Let's Cook

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Mark brought me my lunch and it was a sandwich and an apple, but the perfect lunch for me, I never liked a big meal in the middle of the day. 

I hoped she was having fun finding books and having a coffee. 

I decided to finish early. I was unfair to her yesterday, expecting her to just know what I liked to eat. So to apologize I bought us a bottle of rose wine, and the ingredients for enchiladas. 

When home she was on edge because I was home early and dinner wasn't ready, I saw she had been trying hard so I told her it smelled nice but was grateful I bought supplies when I saw the jar. 

She got upset and I felt awful, but once we were cooking she was giggling again, like when I complimented the jarred chili.

 I couldn't help myself from standing behind her cutting tomatoes and placing my hands on hers "You need to chop them finer" I said, leaning down, her hair smelled like vanilla, and I liked her in my arms, but I shouldn't, 

she is my employee, I pulled away and said that Id start on frying off the chicken.

 After we cooked we ate together with our glass of wine and she looked comfortable, and I liked that.

The next morning came by and it was already Friday. I went to the gym like I do most mornings. I didn't see Caris there and felt disappointed.

I smile to myself thinking that she likely stayed up later now she had some books to read. 

After my shower and protein shake, It was almost 7am and Caris had not woken up yet. 

I knocked on her door, no answer, so I tried to open the door but it was locked. I knocked again loudly, and heard a scream and a bang come from inside. I knocked the door open, forcing the lock. 

She must have been In the shower, but put a towel on and was on her way to the door. "You startled me" she said.

 I realized she fell and so I offered to help her up, my eyes drawn to her scar, the one that clearly read my initials. 

Fuck my brother! Then my eyes travel and roam over her, biting my lip. I excuse myself and apologize for bashing her door open. 

She looks mortified "My, My Lock", she said stuttering. I shrugged and said I would fix it myself tomorrow. She looked worried, I told her it would be fine.

Why does it even matter if her door locks, the main door and external gate are all locked. She is perfectly safe. 

I left her a note like I always do and left for work. Today was quiet. I had a meeting with a group of men wanting to buy shares in my company, only I wasn't selling any part of it, still I humoured them.

 Unfortunately then my brother came and insisted he comes back to mine for dinner, fuck!

 I told him we would eat out, I could meet him at 8pm, he agreed. So afterwork I went home, I told Caris to not worry about cooking, again she was concerned when I was early and she hadn't got dinner ready yet.  "Dont worry love, it's 5pm, I hadn't expected any cooking yet" She smiles and asks what my plans are. 'So whos your hot dinner date '' She joked when I said I had arranged to meet someone for dinner. 

I rolled my eyes, and huffed "that hot dates my brother, unfortunately" her eyes went from a calm to a wide, teary glossed expression. 

I knew she would worry "listen I will be back late so don't wait up, and how about I order you dinner, you can have a night off."

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