Chapter 11 - Oh? Could it be......!

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In the dark study room where the candles flickered softly, there were now only the two of them, Lena and the Duke.

Kahel, sitting with his legs crossed in a luxurious chair, didn’t have a particularly frightening expression on his face, but to Lena, he felt like a predator waiting for its prey. Still, it was right in front of her eyes that the man beheaded the barony couple without any emotion. A terrifying fear climbed again from her toes and shook her whole body.

But just before the tears welled up in Lena’s eyes, Kahel’s low, soft, but somehow menacing voice moved her.

“Did you say Lena? Don’t stand like that, come and sit in front of me.”

It was a voice that made her shudder in such a bizarre way. It’s not angry or cold, it’s definitely meltingly sweet, but it’s not friendly…….

Lena felt a fear there, as if a sword was under her neck. At the command, which she could not disobey, she flinched and sat down on the chair in front of him. In the meantime, of course, she gently pulled the chair to widen the distance between him and her.

Kahel was silently watching Lena do everything she did. He had Calia taken off a long time ago. If the devilish energy emanating from him was a scent, now this room would be filled with a dizzyingly strong scent.

It was also the reason that the knight who had brought Lena hurriedly pushed only her into the room. Although the knight has a powerful aura, the Duke’s devilish power was spreading enough that even the knight could sense the danger.

But still nothing had changed for this peasant girl Lena.

In Lena’s eyes there are no other positive emotions than worries and fears of what would happen in the future. Perhaps the Queen or the people of the Santella family weren’t involved, it was the first time that anyone was so insensitive to the devilish power.

Kahel decided to approach from another route. It wasn’t just his devilish powers that helped people to be attracted to him. His appearance was also so seductive that it was rumored that he resembled the image of a god, so no matter how much he suppressed his devilish nature, he could not stop people from falling in love with him.

Recalling that troublesome past, Kahel gave Lena a strange smile. This kind of service was not given to anyone. It was also something he would never normally do even to young children. But…….

“Sa, save me, please…….”

It seems that his attempt was rather taken as a threat. Lena, who was barely holding back her tears, started to beg for her life again, dripping with her tears. She didn’t even dare to get up from her seat and run away, only begging for her life as she clasped her two hands on her lap. It was the moment when the law of ‘even the gods will fall in love’ on his smile faded away.

‘It’s not normal. As expected, it’s suspicious.’

Until now, there was no ordinary person who did not react to his devilish powers or appearance. Even the Queen used to look at his smile with delight, and it was absurd that the peasant girl, who only worked as a maid, didn’t respond. It was more plausible that she had been training for this day since she was young.

She further fueled his suspicions, in particular, perhaps that she belonged to a group of people who were trying to attack him. Maybe Viscount Delroins or Viscount Horace were deceitful, and planting this woman by Kahel’s side was the end goal of the House of Santella.

“It seems that you were taken instead of the Baron’s real daughter, but you haven’t benefited from the Baron’s bloodline so far, so I thought it was unfair to apply the kin punishment to you. But the fact that you inherited the blood of a sinner cannot be ignored. So, depending on your usefulness, I will decide whether to keep you alive or not.”

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