Chapter 40 - Sleepless Night

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“Did you live alone in the Barony? Did you say that the stable keeper’s family treated you like a daughter?”

“Because I was the youngest maid, I had to turn on the stove first thing in the morning and draw water. So, I lived alone in a small room on the first floor of the Baron’s residence. Because that was the room closest to the wood shed and the well.”

“Since the age of ten?”


“You must have gone through a lot.”

“That’s how everyone lives.”

Lena seemed to laugh, but Kahel couldn’t laugh along as he imagined that rabbit-like child waving her bruised hand at dawn to draw water in the dark.

“Compared to those days, the work I do now is not difficult at all. Can I live comfortably like this….?”

“If you had been recognized as the legitimate Baron Fidelia’s daughter, you wouldn’t have suffered like that in the first place.”

“If that were the case, wouldn’t I have died together with the Baron and his wife?”

At Lena’s answer, Kahel caught his breath for a moment. Victims who forget about the damage and the perpetrators who remember the harm are rare, so he again forgot that he almost killed Lena with his own hands.

“Am you still scared?”

He asked, remembering Lena, who was startled with every word he uttered. Lena inside the blood-soaked iron cage of the tower, Lena holding her hands together and begging to live, Lena trembling even with his smile, Lena looking anxiously at his eyes…….

Those who despised the Duke were considered worthy of punishment, but it was regrettable that Baron Fidelia and Baroness Fidelia were beheaded while he revealed his devilish powers in front of Lena. It was nothing special to him, but it must have been a huge shock to Lena.

But Lena touched Kahel’s heart again.

“No. I am not scared now.”

It was a voice that didn’t mix with any lies. Kahel turned his head and looked at Lena’s side. Lena’s face turned whitish in the weak moonlight seeping through the window.

“It would be better to continue to be scared. Actually, I am a monster.”

Depending on what she heard, he thought it was a little childish. But he had nothing else to say. Monster, because that was Kahel’s true identity. It felt like it was scratching his teeth. But Lena smiled again, perhaps she thought he was joking.

“Then I’ll be the monster’s maid.”

At those words, Kahel’s heart tightened and squeezed. It was a sweet and kind sentence that made his heart ache. Anxious that Lena’s ears would hear the beating of his heart at this point, Kahel swung his hand once in the air, creating a bluish swarm of lights.

“Wow…… !”

Lena, who had her eyes startled by the mysterious swarm of lights that suddenly scattered in the air, gradually became hazy from the moment the swarm of lights landed on her body.

“Huh…… ? Suddenly…… I’m very sleepy…….”

“It’s good. Sleep well.”

With Kahel’s low, friendly voice, Lena soon fell asleep. But only then was he able to breathe deeply, and Kahel sat up, placing his hand on his pounding chest. This maid was so sweet and dangerous. Of course, he believed that this feeling wouldn’t be such a strange feeling to call it love or anything, but it seemed to be at least as good as ‘excessively’ caring for pets.

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