Chapter 19 - Tactness fight

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Overall, he didn’t expect much from the Duke’s tea biscuit, which was heavy and dark in color and had almost no fancy decorations. Although the color and shape were not as flashy as in the tea party of young girls, the taste itself was the best. In particular, the chocolate eclair, which gives a savory yet delicate sweetness to bitter green tea, was quite a tasty combination.

“I didn’t expect that Sir Kahel would like such a sweet dessert.”

“I don’t hate it. It was a pre-meal dish, so I prepared it not too heavy, but I’m glad that Sir Luahalla seemed to like it.”

Luahalla was just confirming that Kahel had prepared well. If Kahel understands and prepares the dessert to his taste, this mysterious duke puts in a lot of effort while pretending not to be.

But he couldn’t ask what he was up to, blatantly. If he does, Kahel will find out that he was only pretending to love Kahel. Instead, Luahalla began to show affection for Kahel more actively. Reassured by his own attitude, he hopes that Kahel will reveal his purpose first.

“Tea time with Sir Kahel is so much fun. What can I do to receive more invitations to such ‘close’ events in the future?”

It was a remark that anyone who heard it would say that this man was also possessed by Kahel’s devilish power. Kahel grinned a subtle smile and decided not to drag any more as he touched his lips with the tip of his finger.

“Sir Luahalla. I need your connections and influence in my future business. And in return, I’ll support you in one business you run at Logos while at the same time being a safe fence for you. Even if the Crown Prince of Hildebrunn becomes king and behaves on a whim, he will not be able to tamper with you. If you wish, we will also make it possible for you to seek asylum in Logos.”

Kahel’s proposal was quite attractive to Luahalla. In fact, his half-brother, Crown Prince Ragdrill, was greedy and capricious. Ragdrill’s personality was so dangerous that the King sent him as a diplomat to the Logos, their greatest ally, after seeing Luahalla’s ‘talent’, and was pleased with him.

So, in fact, he was worried about after Ragdrill became king. It is because it is the second princes’ woe that they could be assassinated without even a soul knowing.

“To me…… I don’t know what kind of connections and influence you want. When it comes to my personal connections and influence, Sir Kahel’s would be as good as mine.”

“It has to be done with His Majesty the King and the Crown Prince of Hildebrunn. I could meet them in person, but it’s not a story that neither me nor them can easily bring up, so it’s important to have someone who can act as a bridge between us. And I don’t think there’s anyone more suitable for that role than Sir Luahalla.”

“What the hell is the kind of business you are trying to do?”

Seeing Luahalla, whose eyes were shining brightly as if he knew nothing, Kahel smiled.

“Sir Luahalla. You actually do know that I would contact Sir, right? I’m sure you’re not unaware of the results of research on bloodstone’s interaction with lylok. Perhaps, the Hildebrunn side has already spoken to Sir Luahalla.”

Luahalla felt embarrassed and his back was burning hot. Kahel Luave already knows everything. Perhaps he could even know that Luahalla was pretending to be in love with him. But as long as he pretended to be innocent, he had to push through to the end.

“Well…… I received a message that a messenger from Hildebrunn had arrived in Ardennes, but I didn’t know what it’s going to be about…… But if it’s about bloodstone and lylok, like Sir Kahel said, you do know that I will be negotiating from Hildebrunn’s point of view, right? In addition, I have not heard the instructions from my home country, so there is nothing I can say for sure.”

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