Chapter 120 - In the capital, monsters

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The calculation was correct. Fabian’s condition was said to be at most a month, but even a small shock could extinguish the spark of life. Moving the monsters through the underground portal was also done faster than expected. She was a little worried about the defense of the magic circle in Revanas, but since Margella and the monsters had already arrived at the border of Ardennes, there was no need to worry anymore.

Next was Nadia’s reply.

“The current Queen’s condition has grown increasingly critical, and in the meantime I’ve learned a lot about the succession to the throne, but I have never heard of something called ‘The Queen’s Sword’.”

That was also pretty good news. The ‘Queen’s Sword’, although very few know it, was the only weapon that the Queen could use to directly kill the blood of the two Duchies. Of course, the story of this sword was close to a legend, and even Liddell did not know if it existed. However, if there was a weapon like this, Liddell was also a little troubled, so she was trying to figure out the existence of the sword before starting the work.

If Fabian, who is about to disappear, had not told Nadia about the ‘Queen’s Sword’, it meant that the sword was literally just a metaphor in the legend.

“Well then. The Queen can’t kill us.”

A relaxed smile began to fall on Liddell’s lips again.

The last report was from those who went out to track the locations of Lian and Lena.

“I found traces of the young master in several places. Near Roach Forest, near Jadrak Street, and near Babel Street.”

The Roach Forest side was sparsely populated, and Jadrak Street and Babel Street were densely populated areas of commoners.

“It won’t be in the Roach Forest. It’s easy to spot if we narrow the location down. If it was my brother, he must have made a hiding place on either Jadrak Street or Babel Street. Good. I’ll have to go find my naughty brother.”

“I will prepare right away.”

Maria also responded with a smile to Liddell, who smiled pleasantly.

As everyone received Liddell’s orders and started preparing in a hurry, Liddell was able to calm the anxiety that had arisen. Everything was going according to plan. She had nothing to fail. It would have been easier if Lian had not intervened, but it did not throw the whole plan off its axis.

All she has to do is to recover that girl, the Queen’s bloodline, from Lian, throw her along with Kahel, who has become a monster, to the monsters, and then subdue the monsters in front of the people who are terrified. It wasn’t too difficult to get the blood of the dirty monster to splash either.

‘Kahel. I’m sorry but it’s too late. You are just a dispensable that will appear as the villain on the stage I will create, and you cannot become my enemy.’

Liddell smirked coldly, recalling Kahel’s face the last time she saw him, which showed no emotion.

* * *

The day after leaving Liddell, Kahel and his three escort knights went to the front of the hut in the Ayur forest.

They scoured the people around the tea house where Lena was kidnapped, and collected eyewitness accounts, until they found out that the carriage carrying Lena ran towards the Ayur forest. And fortunately, there was only one place in Ayur forest that was suspicious like this hut. It was a sturdy hut that was not like a temporary residence for a forest keeper or a woodcutter, but looking inside, there was even a basement.

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