Chapter 71 - Today is really...

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“Wow…… It is nothing like Ardennes!”

Lena looked at the castle and the city of Terra Luave in the distance, admiring it. She thought it would be like Sharden, quiet and buried in the snow, but Terra Luave was an estate on a scale comparable to that of a capital city. The road from the capital to Terra Luave was better maintained than in other places, but as soon as they entered Terra Luave, a wider and flatter road than the capital’s appeared, and the carriage’s shaking was greatly reduced. Since the road was a measure of how much the estate had developed, the condition of the road better than that of the capital was the testament of the development of Terra Luave.

The procession of the Duchy who entered Terra Luave became even more magnificent with the addition of knights who had come to meet them from the castle.

To Lena, who believed that there was no other estate as advanced as Ardennes, Terra Luave was surprising. As many people and buildings as Ardennes, well-paved roads and clean streets, a huge castle and beautiful environment like a royal palace, it was believable even saying that this was the capital of the Logos. Now, Kahel’s words, ‘To others, I am as good as a king’ made sense. In Terra Luave, Damien and Kahel were kings.

“Do you like it?”

“I think it’s cooler than Ardennes. There are no mountains or rivers like that in Ardennes.”

Kahel nodded, as if satisfied with the fact that Terra Luave was cooler than Ardennes.

He doesn’t come down often, but Terra Luave was like the heart of the Luave family. This is where the Luave family began, and if the Luave family were to disappear one day, it had to be from here as well. The people of the Luave family, without any exception, have felt affection for Terra Luave, and they feel comfortable every time they come here.

“Although Ardennes is the largest city in the Logos, Terra Luave and Terra Santella are just as big as Ardennes. Of course, Terra Luave is a bit better than Terra Santella, though.”

Lena laughed a little at Kahel’s attitude, not wanting to lose anything to the Santella family. But Terra Luave was such a wonderful place. As if it had snowed recently, the mountains and islands were also covered in snow, but the streets around the castle and the general streets had been cleared of snow. If you see people cleaning the alleys with shovels and brooms from time to time, it seems that everyone has a history of snow removal.

“It looks like it snows a lot here.”

“It tends to snow a lot, but unless it’s on the mountain, it melts quickly. Because there are hot springs, there are many places where the ground is warm.”

“Hot spring? You mean that hot water gushes out of the ground?”

“Well. The reason my mother came here for recuperation is because of the hot springs. There are many hot springs with good medicinal effects.”

“Wow…… cool. How does warm water come out of its own accord?”

“It’s not that surprising. Now that you are here, you should take a hot spring bath.”

“Me too? Can I use that?”

“In Terra Luave, even the poorest use hot springs to their heart’s content. There is no reason why you, a noblewoman, cannot use it.”

Lena still couldn’t believe that she was a noble, but it was expected that she would be able to bathe in a hot spring anyway. It was fun to experience things one by one that she never knew existed in Kerouac.

Lena was so excited by the expectations, but the closer they got to Terra Luave’s Castle, the more Kahel’s atmosphere subsided, and she became restless for some reason. However, she had nothing to say, so Lena just glanced at him before they arrived at the castle.

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