Chapter 31 - Blonde Angel

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It was Kahel who struck out that subtle, hostile atmosphere.

“You took out all the interior. How do you plan to continue the project?”

“Ah, I had a lot of free time after bringing in the busy people. Sorry. So, should I tell you this first?”

Luahalla led Kahel and Gerard towards the inside of the first floor.

Meanwhile, Lena looked out the window in the carriage. With Kahel’s orders to wait in the carriage, it won’t be long, and she’s at ease looking around, without Gerard’s attention.

Even though the square where the fountain was earlier was great, this Rivella Street, where the nobles went out with their fancy decorations, was so splendid that her eyes were spinning.

The stone paving the road looked a little denser and harder, and the building was bigger and more luxurious. A row of sycamores lined up in the middle of the road shaded the road with lush leaves, and on the first floor of the buildings there was always a high-end store with a glass show window to welcome customers wrapped in high-quality materials. It was a sight she could not have imagined in Kerouac, so she even thought that the eras of Ardennes and Kerouac were different.

“Wow…… Ardennes is truly amazing…….”

Lena looked out the window with a curious face, and she didn’t even notice anyone outside the window was watching her.

“Now that…… Who the hell is that……?”

Lian, who had come out to Rivella Street in an unmarked carriage to meet his friends after a long time, happened to see the Duchy of Luave’s carriage galloping through the streets and followed it out of curiosity. He came along with a light playfulness, and he didn’t know he would get such a spectacle.

It was surprising that Kahel, who was rarely seen outside, appeared directly on the streets of Rivella, but the appearance of a woman looking out the window with an innocent face in the carriage that Kahel got off was something that even Lian could not understand. She seems to believe that she had covered herself with a hood, but she didn’t seem to realize that as she looked down the street, her face was almost completely exposed.

Seeing that even though he was staring at her like this, she didn’t notice at all, she probably wasn’t a person with strong magical powers, and from her attitude, she didn’t look like a noblewoman. What was even more surprising was that even though she had just been in the same carriage with Kahel, he didn’t feel that her aura was being possessed by Kahel’s devilish powers at all.

Lian, who is curious about her origins, cautiously walked over to the carriage and knocked on the carriage’s door while the Luave coachman went to a nearby inn to buy apples for the horses.

He could see the woman in the carriage startled by the sudden sound. Then Lian showed her a harmless smile and greeted Lena.

“Hello, miss.”

His figure was so beautiful that it seemed to be enveloped in the brilliance of an angel. Usually when he smiled like this, everyone around him would be kind as if they would do anything for him. Lian, who knew this well, believed that he could easily break the opponent’s boundaries again this time.

But his opponent wasn’t as kind this time. Of all people, it was Lena, who was humble even after seeing Kahel’s appearance. Since Kahel’s urging that she ‘shouldn’t stand out,’ she felt more afraid of being caught by someone.

‘Oh, what should I do? Someone saw me! I have to hide!’

Lena hurriedly put on the robe and made sure the doors of the carriage were locked. And yet, she went back and forth for a while before burying her head between her knees and plugging her ears.

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