Chapter 131 - Enjoying the person you are today

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Lian said softly to Kahel, who was still looking at Lena’s back.

“Before the marriage, let’s have a drink sometime.”

“Well? It looks like you have something important to say.”

“Well, if it’s important, then it’s important.”

Kahel looked suspiciously at Lian, who had an important but oddly playful expression.


“No, well…… I was a little worried before…… I want to pass on some skills that a man who was about to marry must know to satisfy his wife.”

“It’s getting more and more suspicious.”

“If you don’t like it, never mind. It’s not bad to learn each and every one of them. I’m just afraid you’ll disappoint Her Majesty…….”

Contrary to Lian’s relaxed attitude, Kahel’s face gradually grew more anxious.

“…… As I grew up, I learned everything I needed to know.”

“You must have learned what you needed to know. I don’t see you as a child who doesn’t even know such basic knowledge.”

“Lian is not married yet, either.”

“Instead, I am experienced. I am the prodigal son of the Santella family.”

Kahel nervously picked up the teacup. It was interesting to see Kahel’s rarely agitated appearance, so Lian laughed and teased him more.

“Looking at your outward appearance, it looks like you are good at everything, but in fact, you…… You have no experience at all. Isn’t it?”

Kahel knew he was making fun of him, but he didn’t say anything. Because that was the part he was a little worried about, though. However, his pride did not allow him to fall for Lian’s provocation.

“Isn’t it natural to have no experience before marriage? It is a shame that men are proud of their experience.”

“Ah, of course it is. I must have been nosy. Well, good luck.”

As if Lian was going to say something he shouldn’t have, he finished his words in a refreshing way and drank a moderately cold tea. On the outdoor tea table, it was quiet, not even the sound of the teacup banging, but instead the pleasant sound of a wind blowing through the leaves from somewhere.

“…… However, I had little chance to develop a personal acquaintance with Lian, so how about next Wednesday evening?”

The Kahel Luave mumbled his words, holding back his embarrassment. Rather than his pride, he seemed to be more worried about what would happen if Lena was disappointed with him. Lian grinned at his cute childhood friend, Kahel.

“You will thank me.”

The two shared a secret promise and smiled innocently at Lena, who was approaching them from afar.

* * *

Logos, which suffered an unprecedented ups and downs of an overflow of monsters, national affairs were held one after another because of that.

They welcomed a Queen with powers strong enough to annihilate a huge number of monsters at once, and soon after the predecessor Queen died, and after the mourning period, the young Queen and Kahel Luave got married.

The new Crown Prince of Hildebrunn, Luahalla, has sent great gifts as a close friend of Kahel Luave, and in the temple, where the political position has changed, they did not recklessly resist the Queen’s decision to marry a blood relative of the Luave family.

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