Chapter 97 - Attack of the hordes of monsters

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“Are you all ready?”

Hersh looked back at the wizards behind her. Excluding Hersh, the elder, her son Dashar, and Alcantura, who was Hersh’s teacher, all were wizards with normal magical powers. They were the ones who followed Hersh for peace. Even if they didn’t have much magical power, they were people who studied alchemy, archeology, agriculture, and astronomy with the help of magic stones. They were not guilty of anything. If she hadn’t instigated them to leave the tower, they might have lived comfortably.

Hersh whispered to Alcantura beside her with a confused face.

“Perhaps…… Maybe this happened because of my greed.”

“Don’t say that, Hersh. They all followed you out of their own will. Although their magical powers are weak, they are all thoughtful and strong-willed wizards. We do not lose easily.”

Looking at the gray-haired Alcantura’s face, Hersh nodded her head and smiled briefly.


Once again the earth cried. The vibration was much louder than before. The tension of the villagers was felt behind Hersh’s back. Hersh gripped her magic wand tightly. At this point, she was glad that Dashar was out of the village, and she blamed herself for being greedy…….


At the same time as the third vibration as if the ground was going to go off, a roar like something out of this world rang out beyond the Tanel forest.


“Uugghh! what is this sound!”

Even the roar of the monsters was enough to disturb the crowd. A cold sweat broke out on Hersh’s forehead. The three-layered thorn bushes were falling down by something.

“Everyone! It’s coming!”

Whether trembling from fear or from the vibrations of the earth, Hersh clenched her hand and held out her magic wand. The flames of the brazier with the magic stone were fluttering and growing according to the spells of the wizards standing behind them, and the golems created by Alcantura stood guard in front of the village and waited for the monsters.

After a few more rumbles, the last thorn bush collapsed, revealing three black monsters. It had the shape of a huge cow, but the horns near its ears were eerily huge, and it was different from a cow by walking on two legs. Of course, the size was different before all that.

The wizards who actually saw the appearance of the monsters turned white. This is because the monsters they encountered for research were at most the size of a dog or a cat. They never imagined that such a huge monster would appear.

But the experienced wizard Alcantura quickly came to his senses and chanted his spell.

“Soldiers of the earth! Stop the monsters that shouldn’t be on the earth!”

As Alcantura swung his wand, three giant golems and six medium-sized golems guarding the front of the village ran towards the monsters. It was usually called a mud doll, but the golem created by Alcantura was made of solid rock.

A group consisting of one giant golem and two medium-sized golems each took one monster and attacked. The rock golem hit the monster with its hard fist. It was not a simple rock, but a stone imbued with magical powers, so as soon as the golem struck the monster, the monster distorted its face and screamed.

Alcantura’s golems were faithfully fulfilling their roles, befitting the formula of the best attack and defense in the Sage’s Village. The monsters that had been running with great force were to the point of stopping.

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