Chapter 50 - Very kind thing

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“Hoooo…… haaammm.”

Lena, who made a small sound, yawned and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

“Lena? Are you awake?”

She was still closing her eyes because she was dazed, but a cautious and urgent voice could be heard next to her. Lena turned her head and was startled by the red eyes that stared into her.

“Uh…… ? Du, duke… … .”

Lena had slept well for a long time and woke up feeling refreshed, but Kahel’s figure sitting in front of her didn’t look so refreshed.

“Are you okay? Any pain or discomfort…….”

“Ah, no, rather than me, Your Excellency! Are you okay?”

Lena hurriedly looked at Kahel, who had a haggard look, with her eyes, which hadn’t even taken the eye mucus off. A paler and duller complexion than usual, hardened hair soaked in something sticky, desperate eyes…….

Kahel looked quite tired and precarious for some reason.

“I’m fine. Just tell me how you are.”

“Me? I’m really okay.”

“Your back doesn’t hurt at all? No, even if it’s not your back, tell me if you have any pain anywhere.”

Lena then remembered how she got to be lying in bed in front of her master.

“Huh? That…… Come to think of it……”

Although she was so dazed, she certainly remembered herself to have been cut in the back by the claws of a hideous monster. Because it was such an unforgettable pain for her.

Lena reached out and touched her hand behind her back, fumbling. However, her back was in a clean state with no itching, let alone scars.

“How did this happen…… ? Did I dream?”

“Lena…… Do you have any memories of anything?”

“Ah, there…… I was sure…… Being dragged into a cave by monsters…… I hurt my back. But I guess that was a dream. Or maybe I had lost my consciousness until the wounds were all fully healed?”

Kahel, who looked into Lena’s eyes, which was full of surprise and puzzlement, believed she wasn’t lying to him. After he slaughtered the monsters in Kalahan Mountain, as soon as he arrived at the castle, he summoned Phil and asked about Lena’s status, Phil even looked around and then whispered carefully.

“By any chance, did you infuse the maid with magic before you left? For healing purposes.”

“That’s nonsense. Do you think that magic can be injected into anyone?”

“Then you gave a blessing of healing …….”

“I never even thought about it because I had never given a blessing of healing.”

“Haha…… That would be very surprising news, but the maid’s wounds have been completely healed. The two maids went to change the bandages and it had already healed without even a scar. I told the two maids who had changed her clothes to keep quiet.”

At first he didn’t believe Phil’s story. Of course, there’s no way Lena, who can’t even feel magical powers, can heal her body in a matter of hours.

However, Lena’s appearance, lying on her back, sleeping soundly in her usual robes, was quite different from before he left for Kalahan Mountain, so he could tell without having to check her back that she was all right.

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