Chapter 75 - Long-awaited

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Anyway, this was very important. She had to seize the magic stones that had been accumulated in the Sage’s Village, and establish a friendly relationship with the Hildebrunn royal family. So, she wanted to jump on Kahel’s leg, who was always ahead of her, and knock him down and then have him bend his knee to Leonard. Liddell’s gaze turned to Leonard again.

“How is it going with the dealings with the girls who are close by blood to the Queen, Father?”

“Now, there are two left. The rest either died of an accident or disease, or married someone on good terms.”

The smile drawn by Leonard’s lips was refreshing. The two remaining were the granddaughter of the Queen’s uncle, Marquis Ravel, so the Queen’s nephew. They were unable to reach out recklessly because Marquis Ravel had lived in the Tartan Empire and had served as a diplomat. However, the old Marquis returned to Logos with his family to spend the last years of his life in his hometown; thanks to that, Leonard was able to work in time.

The two granddaughters of the Marquis, aged 13 and 15, respectively, were not old enough to withstand the weight of the crown, but the Luave family, who insisted on the Queen’s collateral line even if she died soon, will try to put one of those children, even with the current Queen as regent on the throne.

So, it wasn’t good for the children, but sooner or later, Marquis Ravel’s residence will be flagged with mourning. Perhaps, there would be an accident in which the carriage on which the two ladies were riding overturned.

In front of Leonard who casually said such a story, Liddell smiled satisfied and nodded her head.

“I think it would be better for Lian to keep it a secret from him until everything is ready. Because Brother has a softer heart than he looks.”

“Tsk. Because the eldest son of the Santella family is so weak.”

Leonard frowned as if he didn’t like it, but Liddell shook her head.

“Nope. Lian is just perfect now. If Brother had been gifted with superior qualities, he would have had to fight me. Besides, now that there is a lot to hide, he has to play an active part as a character who shows the cheerful side of the Santella family. So, please be careful of expressions that will make Brother upset in front of him, Father.”

“Don’t worry too much.”

Although she is the successor, it would have been frowned upon for the young daughter to warn the head to ‘be careful’, but Leonard, who is the head of the household and obeys his daughter’s opinion, was also unexpectedly obedient. However, in a place where only those who knew all the secrets gathered, such an appearance was natural. Because Liddell was the essence of the Santella family and the future of the Santella family. No, because she was the child that was raised as a Queen in the first place.

Leonard and Cynthia had four children. However, the twins born after Liddell did not have very strong innate magical powers, so they were excluded from the successor candidates early. Since Lian unofficially gave up the successor position to Liddell, the twins were sent away to study separately. It was because they were afraid that the twins would be a hindrance when she had to do something important.

In the end, the only people inside Santella who knew the plan to make Liddell the Queen were Leonard and Liddell, and those who acted like limbs and those who had been working for this plan since Leonard’s predecessors.

But gradually, more and more people will be drawn into this plan. Liddell ate more than usual and got up from the meal. In order to attract Ragdrill, it was more convenient for her to give up her pride, so it would not be bad for her to go on a trip to Hildebrunn after a long time.

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