Chapter 129 - Lovely Tyrant

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“Le…… No, Your…… Majesty.”

“In this room…… I used soundproofing magic. So…… Just like before, call me by my name.”

But he couldn’t. The fact that his meticulous but weak close maid had cast soundproofing magic made him feel the distance of the reality he knew.

“I can’t …… do that now, Your Majesty. Awakening…… No, I don’t think that’s important right now… … .”

Kahel swallowed a gulp and closed his eyes tightly. He was confused as to what to put in his mouth. Somehow, everything seemed to have worked out, but he wasn’t happy at all. It’s like knowing that the rabbit he was trying to hold in his arms was a divine beast who couldn’t even be called a rabbit. All he wanted in life was that little warm rabbit.

Kahel took a deep breath without making a sound and then opened his eyes. He was accustomed to duty and responsibility. It was about killing his own heart, it wasn’t impossible. As always, if only he held on tight and didn’t waver, everyone could be happy.

“Thank you for saving me, Your Majesty.”

Kahel didn’t bother looking at Lena.

“It seems that you have awakened on the spot. In the meantime, I have been ignoring Your Majesty, I will repent my sins, and I have carved into my bones the grace that saved my life…… In the future…… Duchy Luave is the Queen’s loyal…….”


His heart, which he thought was already firm, quickly collapsed at the sound of the small voice calling him ‘Kahel’. Nothing came to mind as if his mind had gone blank.

“I missed you.”

Kahel turned his gaze to Lena without realizing it. There was a lot of water around her pretty eyes.

“I thought I would never see you again…… I was so scared.”


“I’m sorry for being deceived like an idiot. When you get stabbed because of me…….”

Tears flowed from Lena’s eyes.

“I was so scared that I thought you were going to die. I’m afraid you’ll never call my name again……..”

Kahel had no choice but to disobey his father’s words this time. He gently wiped Lena’s tear-soaked cheek.

“I…… I was afraid you would die…….”

Lena rubbed her cheek in his hand, as big and warm and firm as she remembered. She thought she had calmed down a lot over the past week, but that must have been an illusion. It is only now that she had a great sense of relief.

“Kiss me.”

She felt Kahel’s hand twitch.


“It’s, it’s Queen’s co, com, command.”

Lena’s voice was trembling badly. Kahel, wondering where in the world was such a tyrant, was willing to obey the orders as the Queen’s loyal black wings.

“Then, as ordered…….”

He could feel the trembling breath on his lips as he got closer. His little rabbit, despite her formidable rise as the Queen, was still so lovable and cuddly that he has had the honor of putting his humble lips upon those fragrant lips, as he struggles to suppress his predatory instincts.

There were noises for a while, but Damien, who was standing around outside, kept knocking on the door, wondering if something was wrong. But the two couldn’t afford to worry about it. The body temperature they were feeling was so precious that they didn’t even know that Damien slammed the door open while they were concentrating on it.

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