Chapter 38 - I'm sure you'll like it

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Kahel, who was returning to the mansion after separating with Luahalla, suddenly remembered his old memories of Liddell.

She was so beautiful from a young age that when he first saw Liddell, Kahel was convinced she was an angel too. The modifier ‘beautiful’ suited her much better than the modifier ‘cute’, which is usually given to young children. Even though she was only five or six years old, he thought she was dazzling when she closed her eyes and smiled.

And how pleasant was her brother, Lian? He was unaware of the relationship between the Santella and the Luave, and as a child he was the son of the same Duchy level, so she could be his best friend forever, he thought naively.

However, learning the family affair one by one from his father, Damian, made him aware of the ‘unfriendly’ relationship between the Luave and Santella families, and he heard that Santella also shared information about their people in many ways.

Thanks to that, he thought for a while that since she was from a Duchy in a similar situation, Liddell might hate him. She was a candidate for the successor to the Santella family, and she was the one to fight against Kahel in the future. There’s no way she could only have friendly feelings for the Luave family and Kahel.

However, he maintained a friendly attitude towards Liddell after that without any expression. Kahel didn’t even want to dig into it, so he acted like there was nothing wrong on the outside. He didn’t believe everything she said to him like he used to, but he didn’t want to offend Liddell, who was always kind to him.

But his relationship with the Queen was different.

The direct lineages of the two Duchies could never be disloyal to the Queen, and no matter how weak the Queen’s powers were, Liddell often committed what appeared to be disloyalty. Of course, no one believed that she did it on purpose.

So was the dress.

Pretending to be humble, she bought all of Ardennes’ most famous dressing rooms and monopolized the latest dress designs. No matter how advanced the Queen was, she always had access to the latest designs later than Liddell. That was a really great provocation. He couldn’t help but feel bad.

However, it was forgiven because it was Liddell Santella who had done it, a behavior that would have been condemned as rude, of course, if it had been done by anyone else. No, there was even a public opinion about what forgiveness was, and the attitude toward the angry Queen was, ‘She acts childish because of only a dress.’

Moreover, Liddell eagerly appealed that her own actions were out of good will. As soon as she heard the news that the Queen was upset, she went out to the party and said with a pitiful look.

“I heard that there are a lot of people who leave the tailors and don’t return for another visit, so the damage to the dressing room is huge. So, I just paid in advance for the costumes that I will entrust to them in the future. It didn’t mean anything else.”

Since only the direct blood of the two Duchies felt unconditional submission to the Queen, the other nobles believed more in Liddell, who appealed pitifully in the party, than in the angry Queen. Because Liddell looked so beautiful and pure.

Because of that, while the Queen considered it disrespectful, she could not directly retaliate against Liddell or express any displeasure. It was because there was too much room for rumors that the Queen of Logos was being fussy with only a dress.

In any case, the Queen was tormented in her heart, and this business proposal from Luahalla has aroused great interest from the Queen.

From Luahalla, he was able to obtain the exclusive supply of lyloc at an affordable price, and he gained the Queen’s trust, so he was in a mutually beneficial relationship with Luahalla.

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