Chapter 66 - Too hasty

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Kahel said yesterday that relatives should not know that Lena is Kahel’s close maid. He was of marriageable age and if he had a girl around him, no matter how the fact that she was a maid and was serving him, everyone would react sensitively.

Lena also tried to pretend she didn’t know Kahel as much as she could, as she didn’t want to be portrayed as an insolent girl who dared to flirt with the Duke.

“Right, are you okay after you got hit earlier?”

Mariela frowned and looked at Lena’s face. She must have been seriously injured before, but now she looks so good, her eyes are mixed with suspicion.

“Because I allowed the two of them to meet for nothing, so I just blessed her with healing, so she’s probably okay.”

In response to Kahel’s seemingly indifferent answer, Mariela nodded her head.

“She pretended to be a precocious and pitiful girl, who knew she was such a savage miss?”

“Well, if she had been a weak woman, she wouldn’t have been brought by Liddell. She is the trump card that Liddell brought to attack me, how can she be easy?”

“Ha! You don’t know how much my teeth trembled when I looked at it from the side. Liddell is becoming more and more like her father day by day. How could she be so shameless with that innocent face?”

Kahel just laughed. He didn’t think that Liddell’s attitude was bad. If she is the heir who will lead the Duke family, she must make the most of her strengths and know how to gracefully attack her enemies. As a result, Liddell is doing well enough to maintain an angelic image while using a mean move. He was also using his appearance and devilish powers, so he was not in a position to criticize Liddell.

“Anyway, I’m sorry for the disturbance at Aunt’s tea party. I should have looked more closely.”

“Oh! Why is that your fault? It’s because of the person who came here with the intention of starting a fight. And don’t worry too much. The people who came today seemed to enjoy the situation earlier. Besides, it’s not a bad result, since Liddell fell for it.”

Mariela snorted and drank her tea. A high-ranking noble to the bone, she drank her tea and made no noise. Lena glanced at it with surprise in her heart. But Mariela felt Lena’s gaze, so she suddenly called Lena,

“Oh! The name…… Was it Ena?”

“It’s Lena, madam.”

“Yes, Lena. Do you have any close relatives?”

“No. There is not.”

“Ummm…… Did you say you were a commoner maid?”


Mariela seemed to be lost in her thoughts again after asking that. Not only Lena, but also Kahel swallowed a gulp. He wanted to defend Lena by saying that she was a better child than any nobleman, but he didn’t know what the quick-witted Mariela would doubt.

“Kahel. Why did you put this child in the close maid’s position? Of course, there are cases where commoners become close maids these days, but she could have just been left as a normal maid.”

Mariela’s question was natural. As the status of commoners gradually improved, close maids from commoners were occasionally seen. But even so, most of them had worked as maids for many years before they caught the eye of their master, and it was rare to hire a commoner they didn’t know well like Lena as a close maid.

Kahel took the teacup and wet his mouth, pretending to be calm.

“At that time, some of the maids in the mansion had left, so the seats were vacant. Moreover, the dead Baron’s couple disguised this child as their own daughter and tried to marry her to Viscount Delroins instead of their biological daughter. Arder said it would be no problem to have her as a close maid, so I just wanted to use someone who was willing to listen rather than the noble ladies filled with all sorts of ulterior motives.”

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