Chapter 128 - Her Majesty

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“Haah, haahk, haah, haah…… !”

There was a constant sound of heavy breathing in his ears. He thought his breathing sounds right, it felt like he was listening to someone else’s.

Even if he smashed their heads, ripped their limbs, and pulled out their hearts, the hordes of monsters overflowed endlessly. Magic no longer rose at will from his body, which was already debilitated, but his body that was mutated due to the magic raised was still the same as that of a monster. Even though he knew that this was a better shape to deal with this horde of monsters, he felt Lena’s gaze looking at him from somewhere, so he was nervous and anxious.

‘Lena! Lena!’

Even while killing the monster, only Lena came to his mind. She seems to have been caught somewhere around here, and she needs to be rescued, but the monsters rushed in without giving him a chance to think about anything else.

[Ahahahaha! That’s great, Kahel!]

Liddell’s voice echoed through the air. It was more terrifying than the sounds of the monsters.

[Stupid Kahel Luave! What the hell are you killing?]

He could feel the blood flowing from the thigh that was bitten by the monster. Still, he didn’t stop slaughtering, and he cut the neck of the monster that was rushing to bite him and cut its breath at once.

[No matter how much you catch them and kill them, it doesn’t change that you are a monster.]

Liddell’s voice whispered uncomfortably.

[Look at you! How are you different from the monsters you kill?]

At that moment, the monsters disappeared, and instead, huge mirrors rose from all sides like walls. He was trapped in a room of mirrors that reflected to infinity. Inside the square prison, it was as if all sounds had suddenly disappeared, and only the sound of his rough breathing could be heard.

[Look at you…… look at yourself…….]

Even if there wasn’t the giggling and whispering voice, Kahel was keenly looking at himself that was repeated infinitely in the mirror. Spikes protruding from the spine, shoulders, elbows and heels, featherless black wings, long fangs protruding out of the mouth, the scales that covered his whole body black, and blood-red eyes…….

He looked like he could be called the devil in every way.

“From the beginning, we are closer to monsters than humans.…… Perhaps, Kahel is closer to the monster, especially among us.”

His father’s voice poured over his head like a sentence.


He denied it. He had been suspicious of it since he was seven, but when this happened, he didn’t want to admit it.

[Are you trying to whisper love to your lover like that?]

Liddell was cruelly sarcastic. And from the distance in the mirror that only reflected him, a whitish figure slowly approached him.

‘Lena…… !’

It was Lena. It was the Lena he had been looking for. She seemed to be looking for him, too.

“Kahel! Kahel! Where are you?”

It was a voice that wasn’t as clear as if it was coming from behind the mirror wall, but Kahel felt like he was about to burst into tears at the voice he had longed for.


As if hearing him call her, Lena from the mirror looked at him. And at that moment, Kahel also checked his reflection in the mirror again.

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