Chapter 114 - Kidnapping

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Kahel's shrill voice made Sid withered and clenched her throat, but she held out by crumpling the hem of her clothes.

"Le, Lena...... There's a reason she didn't tell you the truth."

"Tell me."

"Lena says that not long ago she met a man that was said to be her biological father. I don't know where or how she met him. She said his name was Albert Ruban and that he was a Viscount. But because he's a white faction noble...... That's why Lena couldn't tell you."

Kahel seemed to have been stabbed in the back of the head by the fact that Lena had already known about Viscount Ruban. Seeing Kahel's cold expression, Sid pleaded for Lena's defense.

"She, she asked me to keep it a secret. Lena planned to tell Your Excellency when everything was clear. It really is! I can swear with my life!"

Sid's heartbreaking oath was not heard by the frozen Kahel.


"Yes, sir."

"Find Albert Ruban."


"And the day that Lena met the Viscount that was her biological father must have been there, at Miss Peregrine's tea party. Other than that, she never went out."

The edge of the armrest of the sofa that Kahel was holding slowly cracked and then broke with a crackling sound.

"Call Leslie Peregrine, too. Right now."

* * *


Lena let out a hard moan. Her head was pounding.

'Where is this...... ?'

Her eyes were open, but she couldn't see well. She had a terrifying thought that she might have lost her sight, but when she looked closely, it seemed that the place itself was dark. Because the bloodstone lighting outside the grated door was clearly visible.

She was dazed for a while, but she seemed to be coming back to her senses. At the same time, she remembered what had happened before she lost her consciousness.

'I think there was some kind of drug in the tea...... Why...... ?'

No matter how much she thought about it, there seemed to be no reason to abduct her with this much effort. But soon after, Kahel's words came to mind: 'Be careful, flies will stick to you.' Seriously, she never dreamed that something like this would happen.

'Well of course, it's impossible for my father to suddenly appear after 20 years!'

Everything Albert said was plausible. But at the same time, it was all unbelievable. She just wanted to pretend she didn't know and believe in such a story. Because she yearned for her blood family so much.

No, maybe, really maybe...... She may have been deceived by wishing that 'Viscount' Ruban was her father. She has been denying herself that she never was, but when this situation came up, she had no choice but to face her honest heart. If she was the daughter of a Viscount, it seemed like she could be more suitable to Kahel than to being a Baronet.......

As soon as she became Kahel's lover, she felt a sense of inferiority complex when she used to never think she wanted to be a nobleman.


Even if she became the daughter of the Viscount, she could not be with Kahel, but she had made a huge mistake alone. And thanks to that, she ended up like this.

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