01.8 - Lin Heng

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                Four silhouettes attracted many people in the garden. Two lovely figures – one in pale pink dress, the other in gold and silver dress, two beautiful young women walked side by side in between two tall, handsome men. The one who garter the most attention was Zhao Meixiang whose gaze was on the flowers while lightly tapping the round paper fan against her chest. Because she had purposely walked slowly, other around her had to follow suit or she'll be left behind. Unlike Liu Jiaying who was able to match Lin Heng and Zhuang Yi's long stride, Meixiang seemingly frail, soft demeanor could not. But no one could bear to blame the beauty with her oblivious expression while she took in the blossoms on the trees. Like an ethereal painting from another time, Meixiang stopped and lifted a hand to catch a blossom that was blown by the wind. No one could take their eyes off the beauty as she revealed her deep dimples while looking at the flower in her hand.

"Heng-ge" Meixiang lifted her head to smile at the tall man beside her. "Plum blossom"

Holding up the flower in her palm, it was clear that the girl had wanted to give it to the man beside her. Any man who was watching would feel envious of the flower in the beauty's palm and Lin Heng who was able to receive the beauty's smile.

"Heng does not like plum blossom"

Meixiang froze at the words and quickly withdraw her hand before it touched Lin Heng. Turning to look at Liu Jiaying, Meixiang gave a loss and hurt expression. Liu Jiaying smiles as if she said nothing wrong. Meixiang smirked inside but maintain the confused expression outward.

"Mei_Meixiang didn't know"

Meixiang quickly tried to hide the plum flower inside her wide sleeve, but because Lin Heng suddenly grabbed her wrist, the flower fell into the ground. Looking sadly at the fallen flower, Meixiang didn't meet Lin Heng's troubled expression.

"Meixiang, I_"

"Heng, I remember you said you weren't fond of plum blossom" Liu Jiaying cut in casually. "Right Yi?"

Instead of agreeing with Liu Jiaying, Zhuang Yi seemed surprised by the girl's behavior.

"What, am I wrong?" Liu Jiaying was startled by the look she was receiving by both men.

Meixiang didn't need to look to know Liu Jiaying's confusion. The female lead was use to receiving unconditional love from everyone so couldn't understand when someone is dismay with her. Continuing the act, Meixiang quietly bent as if to pick up the fallen flower but Lin Heng stopped her, took her hand, and gently guides her to the closest plum blossom tree. Everyone watched as Lin Heng tall figure easily lifted his hand to the tree and break off a small piece of the tree branch. When Lin Heng turned and held out the branch filled with beautiful plum blossom, Meixiang's eyes brightened but made no move to take it.

"I didn't like plum blossom before... but I do now" Lin Heng said softly. "Meixiang, I've been very fond of plum blossom since I've meet you"

Lifting her eyes from the branch in his hand up to his eyes, Meixiang's expression was unreadable causing the taller man to be nervous.

Plum Blossoms keep flowering for no one

Even bruised, they shine like pearls

Caring nothing of the mortal world

Even forced to bloom, nothing could be done

Meixiang smiles were gentle as she recited the poem.

"Heng-ge... Do not force yourself to like plum blossom on Meixiang's behalf" Meixiang caress the small flowers on the branch that Lin Heng held.

Plum blossoms keep me up, every night

Keeping blooming, teasing my lesion

Blooming for no one, no season

Then consuming my thoughts, my sight

Meixiang lifted her gaze from the flowers to Lin Heng, seeing the earnest expression on his face as he recited his poem. The man really was a first class sweet talker. Any normal young woman would have fallen desperately for him. Unfortunately for him, Meixiang was too clever for her own good to believe flowery words of a man. Instead of responding to him, Meixiang gave her usual gentle smile while taking the branch from his hand.

"Meixiang" Lin Heng's heart beat at the sight of her smile and before he could stop, his hand has already touched her soft, smooth cheek.

Naturally, Meixiang tried to pull back but the man had his other hand around her waist, keeping her close to him.

"Meixiang, please don't pull away from me" He said softly as he stroke her cheek. "Don't be afraid"

Meixiang face was red but inside she was fuming. Because she must maintain Zhao Meixiang frail appearance, she couldn't vulgarly smack the man's face as she wished.

"Heng-ge..." Instead, Meixiang showed grievance in her eyes as she look up at him. "It's not proper... Meixiang still has not marry_"

"Mother and grandmother have chosen a good date for our wedding. Father has already sent the date to the Viscount... After the Empress approved the date, we will_"

"Heng-ge" Meixiang blush even more and weakly pushed at his chest. "Everyone is watching..."

"Everyone knows Zhao Meixiang is promised to this Lin Heng"

"T_ the blossom will be crushed"

"If crushed, I will get you another one"

Speechless, Meixiang bit her lips and look down. Her troubled expression only tickled Lin Heng's heart. When he suddenly kissed the flower birthmark underneath her right eye, Meixiang eyes widen while her whole face glowed like a tomato. She was truly stunned that Lin Heng would kiss her in public for anyone to see. In such a conservation world, it was startling.


While Meixiang was startled by Liu Jiaying sudden calls, Lin Heng expression was oddly cold. Letting go of Meixiang, Lin Heng kept hold of her hand while he turned to face his friends. Liu Jiaying appeared somewhat upset, while Zhuang Yi was surprised.

"Heng, what are you doing?" Liu Jiaying scolded. "Outside like this, Lady Zhao's reputation would be ruin"

Liu Jiaying was scolding on Meixiang's behalf, but for Meixiang, the woman appeared off edge. The woman tone was more like a scorn lover than a friend – which made Meixiang curious as to why the female lead would behave such a way. The fourth prince was standing there beside her and hadn't said anything to Lin Heng, why should Liu Jiaying care about what Lin Heng does? She was supposed to be a friend – nothing else.

"Meixiang is my fiancé" Lin Heng glanced at Liu Jiaying before he looked at Zhuang Yi. "There are no laws about a man showing affection to his betroth"

That was very true. The country was conservation when it comes to men and women's relationship. It's especially strict toward unmarried women. If she was caught doing anything frivolous in public, she would be condemn by the public. The flip side to the rule, men was treated differently. It was normal for a man to have multiple wives so has long as he could financially support them. For men of higher status, it was even more normal for him to have multiple mistresses on the side. For a married or unmarried woman, she must always maintain her clean virtue toward her husband or future husband. For a married or unmarried man, he can be as frivolous as he wants so as long as he could care for his family and children. The soul within Meixiang was from a different world and time, therefore, scoffed at such double-standards rules. But to survive – to win this game, she had to play the part of a lotus flower.

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