06.18 - Rivera Lukas

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After Maxie defended Blaze for the second time, the young man naturally begin to change his attitude and behavior toward her. Most importantly, Blaze grew to respect Maxie and accepted her truly as his family - his sister. While Maxie's aloof and indifferent manner has not change, Blaze could see and understand the older woman's personality. Cold and ruthless on the outside, but playful and lazy on the inside. Those who are good to her, the woman would respond in kind. Those who try to oppress her, she would suppress them back. Those who try to hurt her, she'll beat them until there's nothing left for her to destroy. The prime example of Maxie Luther's character was how she handled the boys Blaze had fought with.

Maxie was too lazy to bother with the boys or their mothers, instead she dealt with the head of the household - the fathers' directly. For three men who handled their sons and wives to Maxie's approval, she let them off with a warning. But for the man who did not resolve the matter to Maxie liking, not only did he lost his position, but his home, wealth, and social status was all gone overnight. Needless to say, the boy who had caused the downfall of his family was no longer able to attend the elite private school and lost his bright future. In one day, Blaze learned not only Maxie's ruthlessness but her kindness. Well... she's kind only to selected few. And Blaze recognized he was the selected few and was thankful to be in the "good" side of her line.

"You're graduating soon. Have you thought about where you want to go for college?"

Now that Blaze developed respect for Maxie, as expected, he begin to join her for dinner instead of going out. While it took time for Blaze Jager to completely open up to Maxie, after months of conversing at the dinner table, the young man finally let his guard down and trust his older cousin.

"California" Blaze answered after a moment of silence. "San Francisco"

Blaze looked up from his plate to see a knowing smile on Maxie's face. Little did he knows, Maxie already figured where he wanted to go. She long knew where the protagonist's ambition lies.

"Study hard" Maxie had to tease. "And enjoy the last four years of freedom"

"You..." Blaze studied Maxie for a moment. "You really don't want Jager Corp.?"

Maxie laughed softly, figuring the protagonist of the story will eventually ask her the question.

"Such a hard life, why would I want it?" Maxie look at Blaze with an evil grin. "Only someone as stupid as you want such life"

Even though he was insulted, Blaze couldn't help but smile. One thing he found out about his older cousin is that she's blunt to the core.

"Everybody wants Jager Corp" Blaze challenged Maxie. "The money, power, and status... how could you not care?"

"I can make my own money" Maxie shot back with a smirk. "Power and status could kiss my butt"

Blaze laughed at Maxie's response.

"Why do you want Jager Corp?" Maxie, in turn, challenged Blaze with a smile. "What is most important to you? Money, power, or status?"

Blaze could not answer. For the first time in his life, he wasn't sure what was important to him.

"It doesn't matter what is important to you" Maxie smiled sharply. "After four years, you better be ready to take Jager Corp because I will not slave away for anyone"

"Slave away?" Blaze asked wryly. "Is the CEO position really that bad?"

"You will know when you sit in that seat"

Seeing Maxie's mischievous smile, Blaze could not help but wonder if he was falling into some sort of inescapable trap.

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