06.7 - Rivera Lukas

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It took Maxie six months to get her office in order. Within Jager Corp., Maxie sent out a notice to all the departments that she is looking for those willing to work as her secretary. For the first time in Jager Corp.'s history, the CEO personally did the interviews and hired a total of 8 secretaries. The crazier decision she made was all her secretaries were under the age of 30. The CEO was already ridiculously young, so people had assumed the woman was smart enough to hire older, more experienced secretary to assist her. Instead, Maxie hired secretaries who barely wean from milk. Maxie's decision had many criticize her for being foolish. But after a few months of hiring her group of secretaries, everyone in the company was stunned by the alarming improvement in the CEO's floor.

How did Maxie manage to gain people willing to work for her?She had personally interviewed people and deliberately chose young men and women who yet to know the cruelty of the business. The soul inside Maxie Luther wasn't old, but she was a seasoned chief executive so she knew exactly how things work in the corporate world and how to read the people in it. Selecting out ambitious type was easy. Find loyalty was the challenge. For Maxie, she hadn't cared whether the people working for her were ambitious or loyal. Maxie simply gave them a job with a high paying salary and required that they fulfill their end of the bargain by doing the work she assigned to them.

Unfortunately, sometimes young professionals are the easiest to manipulate – especially when money and status are involved. The two months where the CEO office showed improvement, crafty executives and board members all begin their silent schemes. The best way to get information about the CEO is through the secretaries. Maxie Luther had 8 of them to bribe, threaten, and lure. While Maxie did not know what exactly was done behind the scene, she naturally took notice when her work was disturbed or altered.

"Do you know why I called you all in my office today?"

Sitting behind the big desk, Maxie leaned back against the chair while eight men and women stood before her. In the room, Maxie was the youngest yet have most intimidating aura among the group. Her sharp eyes looked at the group of secretaries but at no one in particular. The minute of silence felt like an eternity while no one said a word in response to Maxie's question.

"LSG, JKA, EUT, and CET – which departments did these proposals come from?" Maxie asked calmly.

"CHNE and ANKO departments" One man spoke with a casual smile – clearly not bothered by Maxie's scrutiny. "Both departments are under the Executive of the Northern Hemisphere Marketing"

Maxie gave a slow smile, impressed that the good looking man answered the question that had not been asked. Seeing his grin, she knew the clever man understood what she was doing.

"So either the Executive of the Northern Hemisphere Marketing is very lucky to have more than 1 proposal go through or he has a guardian angel watching out for him" Maxie glance at the trembling woman standing the furthest left of the line. "Well Ms. Porter, being the guardian angel must pay you well. That watch you're wearing is worth more than my $125,000 Rolex. Makes this CEO feel jealous"

Immediately, the woman covered the watched with a hand and shook harder.

"Still have nothing to say?"

"F_ Forgive me ma'am, I made a mistake." The woman's teary eyes begin to fill with panic. "I swear I won't do it again"

"Do you know what you've done wrong?" Maxie leaned back against her chair with her focus suddenly on the black pen in her hand.

"I shouldn't have accepted Executive Grant's bribe. I_

Maxie's sudden laugh stopped the woman's mid-sentence.

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