04.16 - Tsai Xuan

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The first month Muxue reside at the Tsai Residence, she avoided Tsai Xuan like the plague. Keeping herself in the room or keeping Elder Tsai's company in her living quarters, Muxue practically treated Tsai Xuan like a disease she has to keep away from. While it drove the man crazy, he still persist in getting her attention. There wasn't a day where he doesn't send her gifts like new fine silk dresses, jewelry, and accessories. When material things did not work, Tsai Xuan tried to woo Muxue by taking her out into the city for a stroll. Even that proved to be difficult when Tsai Xuan and his scary blood red mask kept the entire population at a nervous distance. But nonchalant woman stroll the market street as if nothing bothered her while people look at her like some mystical being. Fact it, every was curious as to who she was to be able to walk side by side with the notorious demon Commander. Seeing how people kept looking at Muxue - especially the men, Tsai Xuan's mood quickly turn sour. Without an explanation, Tsai Xuan took Muxue back to the Tsai Residence, ruining her good mood. Thus, all of Tsai Xuan's effort in courting Muxue always seem to fail.

Little did Tsai Xuan knows, Muxue found his attempts to court her pleasing and amusing. She had purposely made things difficult for him. Why? One, to get back at him and his men for toying with during their two weeks of traveling to the capital city. Secondly, she wanted to show Tsai Xuan's people what she meant to their Commander. Muxue had long took notice of more than one little maids within the estate, giving her dirty looks. The soul within Muxue was far too perceptive not to understand the meaning behind their hidden glares. Despite Tsai Xuan's dangerous and intense aura, he was still a very handsome and powerful man - one that women tend to flock to like moths to flame. For the maids within the Tsai Residence, it was easier for them to fall under Tsai Xuan's spell. After all, they are the few women in the whole three nations to actually see his true looks while everyone else feared the red demon mask he wore. Muxue was not surprised to see several yearning gaze toward Tsai Xuan and smirked when those gazes became cold to her. Muxue would not have cared to act against the little maids if they had admire the man in secret - but she was not the kind, holy goddess who would turn the other way if someone were to act out against her.

Nearly two months have gone and Muxue maintained her cold attitude toward Tsai Xuan. Servants and maids all were stunned with Muxue's indifference while their young master dotes on her. The colder she behaves, the more resentful several maids felt. For the young women of the Tsai Residence, they have only ever witness Tsai Xuan's coldness and lack of interest. To see the man bending over backward for a woman who was not only older, but one who dared to treat him rudely - they were dissatisfied. Forgetting their status and place as servants, the little group of girls started to act out against Muxue.

Alas, the little maids underestimate Muxue ability to fight back. After all, Muxue didn't fight back when they purposely drew her ice cold baths. Muxue didn't complain when they " accidentally" combed her hair too hard, pulling several strand of hair out. Muxue didn't even react or scold them when she "caught" them talking in "secret" about how passionate Tsai Xuan was in bed. Muxue knew their little tricks and remain unmoved while they get bolder by the day. And sure enough, one of them "accidentally" dropped her black jade, scattering it as it hit the hard floor. The little maid who dared to drop the engagement jade, fell to her knees and beg with crocodile tears. From above, Muxue sneered at how "sincere" her apology was. None of them expected Muxue to slap the little maid across the face. Five fingers stamped on the pretty maid's cheek, stunning everyone in the room.

In that very moment, Tsai Xuan conveniently appeared. The maids all silently rejoiced, thinking that Muxue would fear the Commander's arrival. No woman would like to show their bad side to the man they love. But to their surprise, Muxue grabbed the little maid by her hair and slapped her even harder on the other cheek without a care that Tsai Xuan was present.

"M_ Master" The little maid cried out with a pitiful yet sweet voice.

Hearing such a cute voice, any normal man would rescue the pretty maid. Muxue proceed to slap her until Tsai Xuan finally took hold of her wrist. The maids were all relieved for a split moment until Tsai Xuan wrapped an arm around Muxue's waist and pulled her flush against his tall hard body. Then Tsai Xuan brought Muxue's red palm up to his lips and kissed it. Stunned, the maids looked with wide eyes. Did Tsai Xuan not see how vicious Muxue had been? Even now, the little pretty maid's face was utterly swollen. Instead of disgust, Tsai Xuan looked at Muxue with loving eyes while disregarding everyone else in the room.

"Tsai Xuan, how much longer do you intent to humiliate me?" Muxue tried to pulled her hand away from his lips. "Even your maids think they can bully me"

Muxue deliberately emphasize the words "your maids" so that Tsai Xuan would understand her hidden meaning. Not even bothered to look at any of the maids in the room, Tsai Xuan placed a hand behind Muxue's head and brought her to his chest. Holding her tight, he patted her back to sooth her anger.

"Guards" Tsai Xuan voice was calm and unconcerned.

Immediately, a dozen guards entered.

"Take these fools out. 50 whips each and send them all out to the estate in the west mountain"

All the maids turned pale white. Kowtowing their head to the hard floor, they begged for mercy and forgiveness. The estate in the west mountain was completely isolated with brutal climate year round. The servants, maids, and guards there had to live on their own with the harsh mountain terrain and conditions. For those who are used to the comfortable and luxurious life in the Capital city's residence, they would not be able to endure the change. Going to the estate in the west mountain was a death sentence for pretty little maids. Begging in tears, the maids realized how foolish they had been to act out against Muxue - a lady who had higher social standing than them. Not only that, they had forgotten that Muxue was their master's fiancé.

"Get Gou-mama here now"

Tsai Xuan ignored the pleading maids while they were dragged out to the front to be whipped. Seeing the Commander's unspoken anger, several servants quickly left. Within minutes, a servant came back with an old woman - clearly one of the head maids of the estate.

"Master you called"

The old woman have seen the large group of young maids being whipped outside. Normally, when a servant or maid is being beaten, a piece of cloth would be stuff in their mouth to block their cries. But Tsai Xuan had let their horrid cries of pain echoed throughout the estate. Knowing that the ruthless man was angry, the old woman did not dare to keep him waiting.

"How long have you served my grandmother?"

"3_30 years"

"30 years and yet you allowed a little bunch of maids bully the mistress?"

Instantly, the woman understood what happened and dropped to her knees.

"Maybe it's time you retire Gou-mama"

The old woman frantically beg Tsai Xuan for making such a big mistake. She had mistakenly assigned maids without checking first if they had once warm Tsai Xuan's bed. Still, she didn't think any of the maids were foolish enough or bold enough to bully Muxue - a lady who was an honored guest.

"This is your fault" Muxue suddenly spoke out. "Why are you pushing blame to other people?"

Although the old woman had indeed made the mistake on her part as one of the head maids of the estate, Muxue could tell the woman did not have any ill intention toward her. Instead of getting rid of a harmless person, Muxue figured to bring the old woman to her side.


"Let go of me" Muxue pushed to get out of his arms and turned to the old woman. "Go back and serve Elder Tsai. You're not needed here"

The old woman was surprised that Muxue was defending her and glanced nervously at Tsai Xuan. As if he no longer cared, Tsai Xuan casually waved, allowing her to leave. Thanking both Tsai Xuan and Muxue, the old woman went outside to clean up the mess. She made sure to get rid of the group of useless maids while making mental note to carefully assign older, more reliable group of maids who know their duties are only to serve Muxue.

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