04.6 - Tsai Xuan

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Three dozen soldiers and two generals escorted Muxue to the Capital. Tsai Xuan, who called himself General An, told Muxue it would take them a week to get to the capital. Muxue had known the man was toying with her - thinking that she was gullible. The notorious Tsai army were known for their strength and endurance, it would be laughable if it took them longer than 3 days to get to the Capital from the East borders. Still, Muxue kept her gullible expression, letting the man play out his little games of teasing the mouse.

For two days, Muxue was subjected to Tsai Xuan and his men's amusement. Like a toy, she had to bear being teased and ridicule. They teased her by giving her an old mule to ride while everyone else had a powerful war stallion. Because her mule was slow, Muxue was constantly eating the dust left after by the faster, stronger horses. They tease her again during meal times. While the men cook and eat their hunt games, Muxue had to find fruit or plants to eat. Muxue could not hunt nor did she had the capability to hunt, but the men deliberately made up a rule that the Tsai Army will not let the weak eat if they can't hunt their own food.

Teasing her with the old mule and food was not enough, the soldiers went as far as mocking her whenever the chances arise. Wanting to see Muxue cry, they would deliberately talk about their Commander's taste for beautiful young women while stabbing at the fact that Muxue was four years older than him. Moreover, they reminded her that with her age, their Commander would only consider using her as an old milk maid in the estate. When Muxue did not respond, they continued to make fun of her dirty appearance - telling her that the Commander hates most is dirty women. In silence, Muxue took all their insults.

Night time is even worst for Muxue. Again, she had to watch as the group of men cooked and ate bigger hunt games before sleeping comfortably in their tents. She was told that in the Tsai Army, everyone is expected to make their own bed. Even if she asked, no one would help her. But even if someone helped her, at this point in the game, Muxue's resentment for the group of men would have made her refused their help. So, without the means to built a tent, every night, Muxue would find the biggest tree to sit, lean, and sleep against.

Muxue's perseverance are not completely without effect. Tsai Xuan and his men quickly discovered that Muxue was not a mouse. She was more like a cat - a very stubborn one at that. Every time they tease her, she would bear her little kitty fangs at them or glare at them with her sharp cat eyes. For Tsai Xuan who only tolerate complete obedience from his soldiers and people, found Muxue's stubborn amusing and lovable. The more he or his men try to ridicule or poke fun at her, the more headstrong she becomes. The louder they laugh at her, the more silent she becomes.

By the third day, no one laughed. The ridicule stopped. The bullying was only enjoyable if the victim cried. Muxue did not utter a single complaint or shed a single tear. Each day that passes, her eyes remained proud and clear. Whatever rules they threw at her, she complied and left to her own ways. She never asked for help - never looked toward any of the men for compassion. Unconsciously, the soldiers begin to admired Muxue. Even new recruits could not have braved a day of humiliation like Muxue could, and she had gone through three days without sign of fatigue.

"Why do you go through such trouble for someone who does not know your existence?"

Muxue had waited for the question to be asked for a while now. Hiding a smirk, Muxue ignored Tsai Xuan whose back was facing her while he sat with his general and men. While they were sitting around the bond fire where the wild boar was being roasted, Muxue sat by herself from a distant. While she's lean against the tree with her knees up to her chest, she quietly look at black jade in her hand. Muxue had thought nothing of the black jade, but the men who were watching her from the corner of their eyes, always believed that she was thinking of Tsai Xuan.

"Chasing after a man you don't even know" Tsai Xuan chuckled coldly. "A man everyone calls a demon"

"Shut your mouth, you insolent man!"

Everyone was startled by Muxue's sudden anger. The woman had shown no outburst for days of ridicule, but as soon as the name Tsai Xuan was mention, she burst in fury.

"You dare to insult Tsai Xuan? He's your commander! He's an honorable man!"

Everyone was silent before they burst out laughing. Muxue glared at them.

"You know nothing about them and you boldly call him honorable? For all you know, Tsai Xuan is a rotten man. Aren't you presumptuous?"

"Tsai Xuan entered the army at 13 under his late father's most trusted friend's army. By 15, he lead his own 10,000 men to battle, fighting against Dongfa intruders at the northeast border. For three years, he protected the northeast line until he took over the Commander title, overseeing the entire East line. At 19, Tsai Xuan lead 200,000 soldiers to the West line in order to aide Commander Sheng. When Prince Yang Jin was taken across the border, Tsai Xuan crossed the enemy line alone to retrieve Hexin Second Prince. He braved 1,000 enemy soldiers with only 3 men just to save his friend"

In one breath, Muxue had listed Tsai Xuan's accomplishments. While it had been common knowledge to the soldiers of Hexin, it had still surprised them to hear it from Muxue. Was it because Muxue was a woman without any relation to things like war and blood? Or was it because Muxue was a woman who spoke out fearlessly on behalf of her fiancé's name? Whatever the reason, Tsai Xuan's eyes darkened while his heart was beating violently like the red flames before him. Tsai Xuan had never cared what people thought of him or what they said about him. But Muxue's words have stirred him.

"You shameless, horrid man"

Muxue's words were like cold ice water, putting out the red flames. She had purposely praised Tsai Xuan and then immediately insulted him. She had done so while laughing inside seeing the dark, gloomy aura hanging above Tsai Xuan's head. Of course, everyone assumed Muxue did not know General An was the Commander himself, so was helpless to correct her.

"While he lead you to victory, you called him a demon. He brought you honor but you called him rotten." Muxue was proud of herself not to laugh while remaining extremely serious. "Ungrateful bastards"

Standing up with clear disgust in her eyes, Muxue turned as if to leave. But she took only a few steps before her arm was grabbed. Tsai Xuan yanked her back, causing her to collide right to his tall, hard body. Two pairs of eyes stared into each other - one pair staring down angrily while the other stared up resolutely. Tsai Xuan heart was beating like it was going to war. Seeing Muxue's determined eyes, Tsai Xuan wanted to conquer her wildness. His eyes flickered to her firmly pressed lips and dangerously wanted to bite them.

"Don't touch me" Muxue yanked her arm back but Tsai Xuan only held on tighter. "You forget your place General An. I'm your commander's fiancé"

Muxue knowingly provoke Tsai Xuan, wanting his dark eyes even darker.

"That's right" Tsai Xuan let her go - his eyes glowed a dangerous light. "I won't forget"

In that instance, Tsai Xuan let her go with a grin. Muxue knew why he was grinning but maintained her unaware expression. When he turned and went back to the bonfire with laughter, Muxue ignored it and sat back down against the tree. Reaching in her clothes to retrieve the black jade, Muxue held it closely with her two small hands, knowing very well that Tsai Xuan was watching her as she did so.

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