09.6 - Cyde

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               Following that day, the story's male lead found himself accepting his fate as one of nine-tails fox disciples. The altercation with the other children forced Nilo to admit his own shortcoming. In a world where the strong and powerful rule, the little human boy was considered to be a speck of dirt - easily destroy and forgotten. Nilo's heart could only bitterly accept his powerlessness. And being provoke by Myka's words, the boy stopped resisting the situation. Instead, Nilo aimed to become stronger.

How does the story's protagonist planned to become stronger? By using the nine-tails fox of course. Since Myka wanted him to be her disciple, he will. Nilo witness Myka's capability and strength. Becoming her disciple will allow him to learn that power so why should he continue to be stubborn? More importantly, officially becoming Myka's disciple, Nilo will gain freedom and respect. Not only will he be able to attend training classes with other children, no other children would dare bully him. With the black slash tie around his waist, no one would look down on him. Understanding the benefits he holds, Nilo complied – at least, for now. The protagonist with his simple-minded pretended to be obedient toward the nine-tails in order to gain her trust. His ploy was the old "student surpassing the master" strategy – in which he will absorb all the knowledge he could from Myka until he is able to boot her off her position as a great Qui elder. But little did the simple-minded boy knows, for the nine-tails fox, he was only a distraction – a pawn in her game.

The male lead had never been Myka's target. So why did she insist on taking him from the water dragon? Well, she wanted to entertain the idea of having the story's protagonist as her servant. That and she needed Nilo to kill time. After all, the story's key players were all still children. Moreover, their time as disciples are difficult and extremely extensive. Basically, one year in Kien for a mere mortal is equivalent to one day in the human realm. So how long will it take for a ten-year-old child to become a full adult in Kien? The answer annoyed and frustrated the current immortal nine-tail fox to no ends. Consequently for the story's protagonist, he became an unfortunate outlet for Myka to vent her irritation of having to wait. And how does the petty woman vent toward her supposed young disciple? Making him brush her fur in her fox state for hours every day until her coat shine like the night moon. Making him massage her in her fox state. Making him collect dew water early morning and brew tea for her. Making him personally deliver her meals whenever she's in the mood to eat. Making him scrub and clean her already immaculate room. Making him go find his senior brothers and sisters just so she could ask them if there were other things he could do.

"Please trade place with me Cyde."

Naturally, Nilo held bitterness at being bullied by his own master, but he could only endure and do her every bidding. Unable to vent his anger to his fellow brothers and sisters of the same master, he found his source of comfort in his twin and childhood friend. The biggest benefit of accepting his fate as the nine-tail fox disciple, Nilo is able to attend training classes where his path is certain to cross with Cyde and Alexi. And as soon as Nilo found a chance to escape from the nine-tail fox, he could only plead his twin to take his place – even if it's only temporarily.

"Nilo..." Alexi saw Nilo desperation and asked with concern. "It must be difficult for you..."

"Yes." Nilo did not hide his loathing toward Myka. "That fox does nothing but treats me like a slave – never bothering to teach me anything."

"Surely she must be guiding you." Alexi questioned gently. "You mustn't resist your master teaching even if you upset..."

The female lead of the story – of course, is still very innocent and unpolluted in her ways of thinking. She was fortunate enough to become one of two disciples of the honest and upright water dragon. As her and Cyde's master, the water dragon Lei not only personally teach them how to manipulate the element of water, he guides toward a cultivation method to become a Qui being faster than their peers. Alexi had assumed all masters were like her own – so does not realize how fortunate she was. The truth of the matter was, the water dragon Lei were the very few Qui elders who cared enough to teach his disciples.

"Trade place with me Cyde." Nilo pleaded his twin while taking hold of Cyde's hand. "Just for a few days. If I'm stuck as the fox's disciples like this, how am I ever going to learn any power? How am I going to get stronger?"

Cyde frown while keeping silence. Alexi looked at the situation with hesitation.

"B_ but if master finds out." Alexi tried to reason with the desperate Nilo.

"He won't." Nilo spoke confidently. "No one will."

Nilo was confident because Cyde and him were mirror image of one another. The two boys were like two drops of water created from the same cloud and storm. Not only do they look exactly alike, the brothers could behave and act like one another. Even Alexi was fooled more than once during their time together before entering the Heavenly Sky.

"Cyde, you have to trade place with me." Nilo gripped on his brother's hand. "I have to become stronger."

"Only for a short time..." Cyde finally replied.

While Nilo broke into a happy grin, Cyde maintain his usual aloof expression. Alexi stood aside quietly hoping that nothing bad would happen.  

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