06.9 - Rivera Lukas

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"What did you say?"

During the usual dinner in the large dining room, forks and knives dropped when Blaze Jager told Alison Lee he wanted her to withdraw his 15% share from Maxie's hold to support his 2nd uncle. Alison Lee pressed a hand to her forehead because the situation felt like déjà vu to her. Just a year ago, she was shocked when Maxie wanted to become Jager Corp.'s CEO, now she's shocked that grandson wanted to help the enemy.

"Have you lost your mind Blaze?" Alison Lee looked at her 16 years old grandson from across the table.

Maxie was still eating the food with a nonchalant attitude, while Blaze Jager was glaring like she was his adversary. What's more, sitting beside Blaze was three of his classmates who were heirs of prominent family - one of which was Lukas Rivera. The teenager had invited his possy to dinner, thinking to intimidate Maxie by having support on his side.

"We will not talk of this in front of guests" Alison Lee warned. "Now eat up and_"

"I've already made up my mind" Blaze said stubbornly. "I've promise uncle not to be involved with the company, so_"

"So stay un-involved" Maxie's voice held a teasing tone.

"I'm not talking to you, ugly bitch" Blaze glared.

"Blaze!" Alison Lee was stunned by the teenager's hatred glare. "Maxie is your older cousin! She's your blood family. How could you speak that way to her?"

"Grandma, you're too old to see what's going on, but I know exactly what she's doing" Blaze spoke to his grandmother harshly - upset that the old woman was defending his enemy. "She's taking control of Jager Corp.!"

"Of course she is" Alison Lee scolded. "Maxie needs to control the company. Who do you think she's doing it for? Maxie is_"

"She's not doing it for me" Blaze stood up with anger. "Grandma, she's going to take what's mine!"

Alison Lee was dumbfounded. The dining room was completely in silence until Maxie giggled.

"What's so funny?" Blaze shouted at Maxie.

"How cute" Maxie set her chin on the back of one hand while her other hand held the gold fork. "Still throwing tantrum at this age"


"But you're right. I'm not slaving away at Jager Corp. for you" Maxie lifted her fork and pointed at Blaze with an unreadable smile. "Why should I?"

"See?" Blaze ignored Maxie and turned to his grandmother. "She admitting to her scheme"

"How am I scheming when I told you my plans from the start?" Maxie laughed softly. "Did I not say I'll work as Jager Corp.'s CEO for 6 years? After six years, you can legally take the position"

"Liar" Blaze glared at Maxie. "You say that now, but you won't step down from the position. You tricked grandma and me into believing that you'll give me the position_"

"Wait a minute" Maxie laughed. "When did I say I'll give you the position?"


"Dear little cousin" Maxie smiled. "I said I'll step down from the position. Whether or not you have the ability to take it is all up to you"

Blaze was suddenly confused by Maxie's words.

"Little Blaze" Maxie continued to smile, seeing the boy's confusion. "The CEO position is not something you can just inherit. What gives you the idea that I can hand it off to you?"

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