05.5 - Earl Richard

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Early morning at LAX, Mimi exited the plane wearing casual gray joggers, white t-shirt under a large black hoodie. Even wearing the large aviator Ray Ban, some people took notice of Mimi as she walked by.

"Oh my god, is that who I think it is?"

"It can't be... Mimi Ahn should be in Chicago right?"

A young couple hesitated before they approached Mimi in hopes for a photograph and autograph. Mimi was amused at first but decided to give in to the fan's request. After a few minutes, Mimi noticed several others approaching so quickly made her escape before a crowd gathers. Once she left the airport terminal, she had thought to take a cab when a familiar voice called out to her. Turning, she saw the sweet old woman standing beside her cute little yellow beetle car. Running over to Alice, Mimi gave the old woman a big hug.

"Welcome home" Alice laughed while patting Mimi's back.

After Mimi thanked Alice for picking her up, the old woman ushered her into the car and drove her back to the same old little apartment above the music store. Even though Mimi had offered many time to buy the old woman a bigger place to live and sell her instrument, Alice Smith refused and told her to save her money for herself. Mimi had to do a lot of convincing just to have Alice give in and allowed her to pay for the renovation on the small building. Seeing her room slightly bigger with a more sleek and modern feel, Mimi took off her hoodie before tossing herself onto the comfortable bed.

"So comfy" Mimi sighed as she laid face down on the bed.

Alice laughed softly as she watched the young woman from the doorway. It was also then that the old woman noticed the tattoo that covered Mimi's entire arm.

"Oh my lord"

"What?" Mimi turned her head and look at the old woman with amusement.

"Your arm" Alice had her hands on her hips. "Your beautiful skin. What did you do?"

"You don't like it?" Mimi sat up with a playful grin. "A lot of people think its sexy"

"Mimi Ahn" Alice warned with her tone and eyes.

"Don't be upset" Mimi laughed softly.

"How could I not be upset? I'm going to call that Kris and give her a piece of my mind."

"Alice" Mimi laughed more and got up to take hold of the old woman's arm. "It's my decision to get the tattoo. If you want to scold someone, just scold me"

"Fine" Alice turned to Mimi and scolded. "Why in the world did you tattoo your entire arm?"

"A statement" Mimi smiled playfully.

"How silly" Alice sighed heavily. "You don't need to prove to anyone but yourself"

"Yes. I wanted this tattoo, so I could care less what people think" Mimi laughed. "Sorry Alice, I know you don't approve, but it's something I want to do"

Hearing Mimi's firm words and seeing her clear, unclouded eyes, Alice could only sigh.

"Don't be too upset" Mimi leaned her head down onto the old woman's shoulder and flashed her big eyes. "Let me cook for you. For the entire week, okay?"

"Silly brat" Alice flicked Mimi's forehead gently and said with a smile. "You used to be a perfect little angel. What happened?"

Mimi did not answer. Instead, she gave a mischievous smile.

"Come along, it's almost time for dinner and I want spaghetti and meatballs"

Laughing, Mimi followed beside the old woman, listening to her as she continued to list what she expect Mimi to cook for the rest of the week.

During dinner, Mimi and Alice made small talk about how things were lately. In the last few years since they've last seen each other, Alice still called Mimi often to check up on her. Thus, the old woman was well aware Mimi was doing well as a DJ. In fact, Mimi was doing very well. Even now, Alice bought and saved many magazines that featured the young beautiful popular DJ.

"What is your plans now that you're back in LA?"

Alice asked curiously as she noticed how relaxed Mimi was while eating the spaghetti and flipping through the magazine with her free hand. It was strange how much the young woman have changed. Although the face and sweet smiles were the same, Mimi's temperament was different from before. Unlike before, the Mimi now was more confident and unconstrained. Even though the change was drastic, Alice didn't think too much of it. Instead, seeing how self-assured Mimi was made her worry less. To survive in the music industry, if one doesn't develop thick skin, he or she will not survive long. In the past, Alice was worried at the kind Mimi would be destroyed by such a harsh world, but seeing the strong young woman in front of her now, Alice was relieved.


"If you want, I can help you get into RE Label"

Alice saw Mimi was studying the magazine's with the picture of RE Label Owner Richard Earl. Thinking that young woman had not forgotten her original dream to become a songwriter working for the world's top record label, Alice told Mimi she can help her enter the record label. Little did Alice know, Mimi had no interest in working for RE Label. Mimi was interested in the picture of handsome man with a gorgeous young starlet who has her arms around the man's neck. The picture was obviously taken in secret and the article was capricious in describing the relationship between the powerful record label owner and the young and upcoming movie actress. With a hidden sneer, Mimi closed the magazine - no longer interested in its content.

"That's okay. I already have several gigs line up for the next few months" Mimi smiled and leaned her cheek against her palm while giving her attention to the kind old woman before her.

"Are you sure dear?"

"Don't worry Alice. I don't want you wasting your energy on something so trivial"

"But your dream..."

"My dream does not necessary require me working for RE Label" Mimi played with the spaghetti noodles with a fork in her hand while still leaning her cheek on her palm.

Seeing Mimi's disinterest in RE Label, Alice did not speak further on the matter.

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