06.8 - Rivera Lukas

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By the end of Maxie Luther's first year as CEO, many people realized the young woman was not simple. It didn't take much time for people to recognize how difficult it was to get the woman to approve and sign off on their contracts. Not only did they have to go through her group of secretaries, but the few files that land on Maxie's lap were scrutinized and questioned personally by the young woman. The most frightening thing about Maxie Luther is her ability to calculate money - how much money projects should cost and the percent profits it should bring in.

Jager Corp.'s CEO earnings are based on two factors. One, the fixed yearly gross income. Second, 1% of the end of the year profits of the company makes. Jager Corp.'s executives' earnings are different. On top of their fixed gross income, they rely heavily on their bonus which is 10% of their department yearly profits.There have been cases where the executives make more than the CEO due to the revenue their department generates. But for the executives to make that kind of money, they needed the CEO to approve and sign off on their proposal to generate revenue.Maxie toyed with the executives knowing well they placed importance on how much their department makes, while she could care less about Jager Corp.'s profits. As CEO, she would always receive 64.2 million and 1% of the company's end of the year profit, no matter how little the profits was. Thus, for those who give her a hard time, why should she be polite and let them make more money than her?

As a result of Maxie's well played match against the executives, she was able to take control of Jager Corp. within one mere year. Of course, there are still many people against Maxie - always finding ways to make things difficult for her. But Maxie continued to stride forward, taking all the challenges as pastime entertainment.

But let's not forget the protagonist of the story. Maxie, after all, was supposed to be a super minor character. The main character, Blaze Jager, was still young; therefore, he could not officially take part in Jager Corp.The true start of the story will not happen until the man reached adulthood. However, because of Maxie's interference, the course of the story changed. The original Maxie Luther never had the chance to step foot inside Jager Corp. With her death at 22, she left 15% of her shares to the man who she thought cared for her. That 15% was then handed to Ruby Jager who helped her father took control of the company with the CEO position. Then soon afterward, Alison Lee Jager passed away giving the father-daughter pair a chance to trick Blaze Jager out of his 15% share and booted him out into the streets. The catalyst of the original story started with Maxie Luther's death. Ironically, the catalyst of the current story still started with Maxie Luther the moment she took the CEO position.

After the first year as CEO, many begin to feel threaten by Maxie. If the woman had been an incapable leader or even a mediocre one, they would have bear with her for a few years and waited for the opportunity to remove her from the CEO position. But the problem is Maxie Luther is too capable. Not only could she control the company, but she was beginning to grab the attention of big players in the business world. The name Maxie Luther was rapidly spreading and her reputation growing superior. So to stop Maxie, her enemies begin to plot ways to remove her quicker than sooner.

How? Through the young and naive protagonist - Blaze Jager. Originally, the enemies left the protagonist alone because Blaze Jager was young. Legally, he could not enter the company or use his percent shares against them so they did not see him as a threat. It wasn't until Alison Lee Jager died that they used the opportunity to get rid of Blaze Jager. Without Alison Lee's protection, the naive Blaze Jager was easily tricked out of his 15% shares. The young man's wake-up call had been the moment where his 2nd uncle brutally sent him to the streets to live or die on his own at 18 years old.

Now, the flow of the story changed. The enemies used the protagonist and his naivety to battle against Maxie Luther. Blaze Jager had not thought his cousin Maxie Luther was a threat to him because he was assured by his grandmother. But the enemies planted seeds of doubt in the young teenager's mind and convinced him that Maxie Luther only tricking him and his grandmother.

Why would Maxie Luther just give him the CEO position and all the glory that comes with it? Why would Maxie Luther be foolish as to let him have the position when she was capable of running the company?

For a teenager to hear that his position was threatened, he naturally fought to take back what he believed was his.

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