04.4 - Tsai Xuan

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It took Muxue a week to get to the east border. While the world she was in was not an ancient one but more similar to the 18th century times, the means of transportation was still horses, carriages, and wagons. With the limited money on her, Muxue paid wagon travelers whenever she spot one along the road. But there are days where she bitterly walked for miles through the forest outside the provinces. Each day that passes as she resentfully head toward the border, she swore to get even with those who had put her in such dire situation. But to win the game, she had to play by its rule. And right now, she needed to get to the east border.

"Who goes there!"

Muxue had finally reached outside a training camp with multiple tent made of animal skin. The camp was surrounded by tall, heavy oak wood poles that was carved into deadly spikes at the top. There was only one entrance to the camp. Muxue had stood at the entrance where the flag of Hexin nation's symbol flew with the character Tsai.


But before Muxue could speak, she was grabbed roughly and tossed to the ground like a rag doll. She had expected the situation as so and held back a murderous glare while the guarding soldiers laughed at her. The soldiers thought Muxue was a young male recruitment to the army. This was their way of hazing new recruitment to scare the weak one away.

"I'm Han_"

"I don't care who you are" One of the soldier smirked. "Go home boy, you don't belong here"

"I'm not going home" Muxue stood, glaring fiercely at the two soldiers. "I want to talk to Commander Tsai Xuan"

As soon as those words left her mouth, the two soldiers burst out laughing. Again, Muxue glared. She knew why they were laughing. Even small soldiers like them rarely sees the Commander, much less a nobody like Han Muxue. Muxue thought to create a scene to get one of the generals' attention. What does she do? She fought to get inside. Pushing and shoving but the body she inhabit was too weak to fight again two trained soldiers.

"You little_"

Muxue had resort to drastic measures and kicked one of the soldiers in his family's jewels. Just before she stepped through the gates, the other soldier grabbed her by the knot on her hair.

"You're a woman?"

The soldiers were stunned, but Muxue used that moment to run inside. Unfortunately, she didn't run very far as she was pushed and held down. She could hear laughter of surrounding soldiers as they mocked her for running into the army camp ground. Only one type of woman were in the army camp ground - a prostitute. When one of the soldier leered and grabbed on her clothes, Muxue bite his hand until he bleed. She didn't even care when he slapped her. The soul within Muxue could tolerate many things, but she would rather die than get raped.

"You little_"


A sharp voice caused every soldier to quickly straightened and stood within proper order. Muxue with a bruised cheek and bloody lip, looked up and saw a big muscular man she knew was a general. The general seal on his armor confirmed this rank.

"What is going on? Why are you all not training?"

"General, this prostitute_"

"I'm not a prostitute!" Muxue glared angrily even while she was on the ground.

The general finally noticed Muxue. Just when he looked away, his eyes snapped back to Muxue as if he recognized her.


"I'm Han Muxue, Tsai Xuan's fiancé"

Silence spread the field before laughter erupted. Muxue's sharp eyes continued to look at the general - the only one who did not laugh at her.

"Did you hear her? She said she's the commander's fiancé. She actually thinks she_"

"Shut up" The general voice cut the soldier off sharply.

Confused and startled, none of the soldiers dared to speak.

"You" The general turned back to Muxue. "Go home"

"No" Muxue said firmly.

She could see the general recognized her but was reluctant to acknowledge her. She smirked inside because she knew the man was only relaying Tsai Xuan's words.

"You don't belong here" The general said with a heavy sigh. "Go home"

"I want to talk to the Commander"


"I'm not leaving until I see him" Muxue stood, despite the pain on her body as she glared at the general. "Tell him Han Muxue is here to see him. He'll know who I am"


Before the general could speak, another general suddenly appeared and whispered something to him. After a moment, the two generals turned to Muxue.

"Very well, Miss Han. Please come with us"

While the soldiers were all stunned, they watched quietly as Muxue followed the two general. Everyone was curious who she was, but when they remembered she said that she was Tsai Xuan's fiancé, they suddenly went pale.

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