03.10 - Orr Roman

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"My friends all like you"

As soon as Roman Orr and Mina were alone, the guy immediate relay to her information she already knew. Of course his friends like her, Mina had carefully laid out the scenario as so.

"Why does that matter?" Mina asked indifferently.

"Of course that matters" Roman Orr stopped her from walking away but taking hold of her hand. "It matters"

"You..." Mina looked up at Roman Orr as if she was studying his expression.

"Mina..." Roman Orr lowered his head as if to kiss her.

Mina eyes flickered and in the right moment, pushed Roman Orr away.

"Aster" Mina nervously stepped away from Roman Orr, not seeing the dark expression in his eyes.

Ashley Giles had been on her way to class when she saw Roman Orr obvious attempt to kiss Mina. The very sight caused her heart to burst with anger.

"Disgusting" Ashley Giles didn't fully understand she was angry but couldn't stop herself from lashing out at Mina.

Mina's eyes filled with sadness and shame. Roman Orr saw the way Mina head lowered as if the world had fallen on her. Rage filled him as he turned to look at Ashley Giles. When he stepped forward and grabbed hold of her uniform jacket, Ashley Giles panicked.

"No!" Mina grabbed hold of Roman Orr's arm, pulling at it.

"Insult Mina again and I'll show you what disgusting truly is" Roman Orr shoved Ashley Giles away.

For a teenage girl to be handled so roughly, Ashley Giles was stunned and hurt. To be treated so cruelly and threatened by Roman Orr, Ashley Giles wanted to cry but couldn't. Instead she angrily stared at Mina who was trying to help her up from the ground.

"Don't touch me" Ashley Giles pushed Mina.


Seeing Roman Orr protecting Mina upset Ashley Giles even more. She felt wrong for being treated so roughly while someone she found impure was being treated with care and kindness. Unable to understand it, Ashley Giles ran off. Watching her run, Mina knew that the teenage girl wanted to find a hidden place to cry.

"Mina, are you okay?" Roman Orr was too focused on Mina to care what Ashley Giles was feeling.

"Why" Mina turned to Roman Orr with tears threatening to fall. "Why do you have to hurt him?"

Instantly, Roman Orr was angry. He was hurt that Mina defended someone else who just insulted her while she blamed him - the one who is protecting her.

"He insulted you" Roman Orr wanted to shout at her but controlled himself.

"I don't care!"

"You should care!" Roman Orr shouted back, no longer able to control his emotion. "You fool! How could you let him insult you? What right does he have?"


"Why do you still like someone like him? All he's done is hurt you"


"Don't say his name!"

Mina stared up at Roman Orr as tears begin to fall.

"You_ Why are you crying?" Roman Orr held her to his chest, holding her tightly to him.

Mina buried her tears into Roman Orr's shirt chest. Feeling Mina's wet tears on his shirt, Roman Orr felt his heart aching.

"Why do you like him?" Roman Orr asked softly, truly wanting to know.


"What?" Roman Orr looked down into her face.

"He's pure..."

"How is he pure?" Roman Orr flashed with anger. "He_"

"He never loved anyone... and he won't give himself to anyone unless he loves her... he's pure and innocent" Mina said softly. "Someone like him... I have always wanted be but never could"


Mina stepped away from Roman Orr's arms, rubbing the tears off her eyes.

"You don't have to understand why I like him" Mina's eyes went toward the direction Ashley Giles had run off to. "As long as I understand..."

"Mina" Roman Orr grab hold of Mina's arm before she could head off toward the same direction Ashley Giles did. "I_"

Mina pulled away from him, walking away with unreadable eyes.

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