06.16 - Rivera Lukas

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The days following after the club episode, Blaze Jager quieted down - no longer going out and drowning himself with resentment or sorrow. Instead, he became withdrawn. During his final year in the private high school, Blaze no longer smiled, laughed, or cried. Seeing how his peers treated him after he lost his grandmother, Blaze recognized the social complexity of a person's name, status, and background. But a person's name, status, and background could amount to nothing if he or she have no social support, recognition, or achievement. Blaze Jager realized that while he have his family name, no one supported him nor does he have any accomplishment in his young life. The private school was the playground for the elite children of society, but it also been an important place for them to seek out potential alliance for their future. By the time the children becomes high school students, they would have had their own social circle and achievements. Blaze had naively gone through the motion like a fool - trusting and believing that the world revolved around him.

Regrettably, it had took his grandmother's death and his peers abandonment to wake the protagonist from his foolishness.

"Ms. Luther"

In Jager Corp.'s CEO office, Maxie sat comfortably with her black Prada pumps crossed on top of the large wood desk. With a lollipop in her mouth, Maxie was skimming through the document in her hand when one of her head secretary entered the office.

"Um?" Maxie made an incoherent sound through the lollipop in her mouth while continuing to read the file in hand.

"There's a phone call from Mr. Rivera"

"I'm busy" Maxie took out the candy from her mouth for a moment to speak.

"Ms. Luther, I'm afraid you misunderstood. The call is not from Alan Rivera, it's from his grandson Lukas Rivera" Mr. Durbar chuckled and spoke frankly. "It appears your cousin ran into trouble at school"

That made Maxie look up from her file. Seeing the amused expression on Mr. Durbar's face, Maxie closed the file and set it on the table before leaning back against the large leather chair.

"And what trouble did my little cousin run into now?"

Instead of answering, the man's eyes went to the wireless phone sitting on the CEO desk. The blinking light told Maxie that the young man on the other line is waiting for her to pick up. With a hidden smirk, Maxie let the light continue to blink while her eyes went back to her secretary. Clearly, she wanted to hear from her secretary and not from the second male lead.

"He has another altercation at school. This time, one of the boys end up in the hospital"

That let Maxie know the fight was serious this time. While Blaze Jager had gotten to many fights since his grandmother's death, none of them was serious enough to cause harm toward the young man's reputation. Now that someone is truly hurt, the school authority will forced to be involved. With a scowl, Maxie set the lollipop aside to picked up the phone.

"Who did he fought with?" Maxie asked without bothering to greet Lukas Rivera. "And who is in the hospital?"

There had been a moment of silence on the phone before the young man spoke with a surprisingly deep voice. Maxie ignored the allure of the second male lead's voice and continued to question where Blaze was at the moment. After learning that the protagonist is being detain in the principal's office, Maxie knew that it wouldn't be long before the school contact her. She was after all the young man's current guardian.

"It seems someone is getting impatience" Maxie said with a cold smile, while her eyes flickered to Mr. Durbar. "It's getting quite annoying"

The cunning secretary knew Maxie well enough in the last two years to know what she wanted to do. Giving her a slight bow, the man walked out the office to do Maxie's wordless orders.

"What do you want to do?" Lukas Rivera asked after a long moment of silence.

"Go save the stupid prince" Maxie joked while getting up from the leather seat.

"Why do you care so much about him?"

The question had been sudden with curiosity, but Maxie could hear the hidden jealousy.

"I can't care about Blaze?" Maxie asked nonchalantly.

With an amused smile, Maxie listened to the silence on the other line.

"If you excuse me Rivera young master, I have to go"

After hanging up, Maxie laughed softly before she made her way out the office. Even though she joked about saving the stupid prince, Maxie was leaving work early to do just that.

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