08.1 - Nox Maxwell

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"The Belua have invaded!"

                I was forced into a small body when thunderous sound of horns echoed. Piercing cries and shouts could be heard before my eyes opened to the sight of chaos. Before I could understand the situation, I was grabbed and pulled away by a young man no older than sixteen.

"Hurry Mavi!" The beautiful boy with long silver hair turned and showed panic in his orange-red eyes.

                While I was being dragged away, a flash of information enter my soul.

                I have transmigrated into a world of magic and supernatural beings - known as the Mystic Orbis. Within the Mystic Orbis held three powerful tribes - the Nubes, Mare, and Terra. The Nubes existed in the highest mountain, the Mare lived in the deepest part of the sea, and the Terra resided within the forest. The key factor in distinguishing each tribe is not their power or magic, but their appearances. The Nubes tribe have silver hair and orange-red eyes - resembling that of the sunset against the sky.  The Terra tribe have brown hair and green eyes - greener than the luscious forest they live in. And the Mare tribe have dark blue hair and turquoise eyes - the same shade of the sea water. Believing in keeping their race pure, each race lived among themselves. This is the reason why despite the tribes knew of each other existence, they never cared to intermingling with others. Thus, since the beginning of the Mystic Orbis, the tribes never crossed path.

                But the dark creatures, known as the Belua, caused a shift in the balance of the world. The Beluas are mindless creatures who crave the meat and blood of magic beings. In spite of their lack of intelligence, the Belua held dreadful brute strength. Moreover, the more magic beings they consume, the greater strength they developed. Yet the most dreadful element about the Belua is the creatures ability to breed among themselves. For magical beings like the Nubes, Mare, and Terra, procreation is rare. While there are no lack in women, children are becoming scarce. Each tribe are finding themselves having less and less children over the course of years. While the Belua multiply by the hundreds each year, the tribes are lucky to have a dozen.

                And with the threatening existence of the Beluas, the three tribes reached out to each other for the first time. Although the tribes kept each other at arm's length, they all agreed on their common enemy. Hence, the tribes band together and created Bellator - the strongest warriors from all three tribes. Their sole duty was to seek and destroy the Beluas. However, the problem was the Belua had no single establishment like the tribes. The dark creatures spread in all three corners of the Mystic Orbis. The three tribes quickly realize that while the Bellator are able to suppress the Beluas - they're unable to completely stop or protect the tribes.

                For the Nubes who lived in the high peak mountain, are at the greatest disadvantage. While, the Mare and Terra are able to stop the Belua from entering their territory, the Nubes could not. For the Mare, their territory could only be reached if one could control the waves and current of the sea. Furthermore only Mare's royal bloodline is able to open up the path of the sea to the Mare's territory. And while the Beluas could walk under the strong current sea, the Mare is able to stop the creatures before they reached the core of their territory. For the Terra, their territory is hidden within the maze-like forest. For the mindless Beluas, it's extremely difficult for them to navigate the complex maze. The lucky few that could able to get through the maze are quickly suppressed and killed. As for the Nubes, their territory is isolated at the highest point of the tallest mountain. For the Beluas who are known for their brute strength, the mountain range is an advantage for them. And once they reached the top, there was nothing to stop from entering Nubes' territory - even the mighty fortress could not stop them.

"Do not let a single Belua live!"

                The children were quickly gathered into the safe ground where seven women created a magic protective dome barrier.

"Mavi quick!" The young man quickly took me into the protective barrier before he turned to go back to the battle field.

                Unconsciously, I reached out to grabbed hold of his arm.

"Big brother..."

                The beautiful young man was indeed the older brother of the body I currently inhabit. With the burst of information, I frowned. The young man was Zeki Gutia - the story villain, or rather, would be villain. In ten years, Zeki Gutia would not only destroy the entire Nubes tribe, he would lead the Belua to raze the Mare and Terra tribes. Why? Because of Mavi Gutia. It was precisely this very day where his young sister was killed. With the invasion of the Belua, casualty was unavoidable. The ten-year old girl was caught in the cross fire and was killed instantly. But what drove Zeki Gutia to madness was not that his sister was killed by the Belua, but it was that the one who caused his little sister to die was the young prince of Nubes. Because of fear, the young prince had pushed the little girl closest to him in order to protect himself. Zeki Gutia who had lost an arm during the battle against the Belua did not care about his own dreadful injury as he begged the leader of the Nubes for justice. But how could the leader kill his only son? No one stood on Zeki Gutia's side. Instead, they condemned him for wanting to kill the leader's only son.

                Hatred and resentment - no one realized when Zeki Gutia's good heart and soul darkened. The once kind young man grew silent and distance. The Nubes did not know that one of their own had found ways to manipulate the horrid Belua. Worst, they were annihilated in the course of one night. But destroying his own tribe was not enough. Losing his sanity to hatred, Zeki Gutia continued his blood thirst by attacking the two remaining tribes for the next decade. This is when the heroes entered the story. Colt Banes - the young prince of the Terra tribe, Maxwell Nox - the young prince of the Mare tribe, and Freda Lilyn - the last female Nubes' Bellator. It took the three heroes of the story to put an end to the villain. And the villain's end is never a good one. Instead of death, the heroes chained Zeki Gutia in the darkest depth of the sea and tortured him with the endless memory of his sister's death.

                Of course, the story did not end there. Instead it continued on as a beautiful love story between the main hero Colt Banes and the female warrior Freda Lilyn. Regardless of their hero status, the two had to brave the world's disapproval of their love. Why? Let's not forget the deeply rooted idea of keeping each race pure. For the Terra tribe, they could not accept their prince's mating with a female of another race. It took several years before their love was recognized. And that was only due to Maxwell Nox and his constant support. True to his nature as the second male lead, Maxwell hid his love for Freda Lilyn while helping her toward her happiness. While the world was against the leading couple, the prince of the Mare defended them until their love was finally accepted.

"Mavi, be good and stay here where it's safe."

                I found myself focused back to the current situation when Zeki Gutia placed a gentle hand on my head. In the young man's kind eyes was fear and concern.

"Brother, don't go..." I held onto his arm tighter knowing well the outcome if the he left the safety of the barrier dome.

"I'll be okay..." Zeki Gutia smiled gently before he shook off my tight hold.


                I helplessly watched as the young man rushed off to fight the huge, ugly creature with black skin, teeth, and eyes.

"Bob, what's going on?" I screamed inside my head.

"You don't like fantasy genre?"


"Um... well I'll put that into consideration on the next round."


"Good luck Mavi." Bob's chuckles slowly disappeared.

                Stupid - idiotic Bob! I'll get him back for his stupid games. Well, nothing matters at this point. I might as well get into character.

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