09.10 - Cyde

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               At the end of the so call "trading" between the water dragon and fox, the water dragon ends up with one plum blossom tree and the fox with a single Phe seed. Was that fair? The water dragon had believed so. After all, he obtained a massive tree while the fox ended up with a tiny seed. Only when the water dragon tried to make tea with the plum blossom that he realizes the unfairness of it all. No matter the method or the purest, cleanest water used, he's unable to duplicate the soft and elegant taste. Even his most talented tea master is unable to brew such tea. Despite being able to obtain the unattainable plum blossom, if he cannot drink the plum blossom tea – what's the point of having it? For the all-powerful water dragon to suffer such defeat, his mood grew more solemn by the day. Worst of all, he couldn't bear to destroy the tree even though the sight of it is a reminder of the fox's trickery.


Standing in a mirror lake courtyard was a tall solemn face man. Alexis and Cyde stood quietly behind their master who has his back facing them while staring expressionlessly at the beautiful single plum blossom tree in the center of the still lake.

"Master..." Alexis understood her master mood so carefully spoke with a gentle tone. "What if we ask Elder Myka_"

Alexis froze as soon as her master cold eyes glance over at her. It was clear that going to the fox was not an option. As a Qui master, how could Lei lower himself to ask another Qui for favors – especially a fox's favor. Feeling more annoyed, Lei look back at the beautiful tree. Before his mood sink even further, a sharp blade of water suddenly cut through and aimed at the tree. Startled, his body reacted before his mind could understand the situation. Lei created a water barrier dome around the tree before the blade could cause it any harm.

"Cyde!" Lei angrily raised his palm, blasting a wave power at the young man who just dared to harm the tree before his very eyes. "You dare to_"

"Why keep it if it annoys you?" Cyde's question was blunt and sharp as his expression.

"You_" Lei was both startled and lost.

The water dragon did not know what his current conflicting emotion – lost, anger, hate, resentment, and longing. In fact, he wasn't even supposed to have such emotions. From the beginning of his existence, all he had ever felt was indifferent. Nothing and no one had ever – could ever move him. There was no desire or feelings as it all amounts to weaknesses. Only mere mortals would have such impractical sentiments. And while Lei's mind was denying such sentiments, he missed the darkness in discipline's eyes. Without hesitation or fear, Cyde lifted his palm and aimed another water blade at the plum blossom.

"Enough!" Lei, again, protect the plum blossom while blasting Cyde mercilessly with torrent wave of water – trapping and suffocating the young man within it.

"Cyde!" Alexis cried out in fear before turning to her master and kneel. "Please master_"

"Silence." Lei's eyes already turned red from anger despite his calm voice.

Tears fall as Alexis could see the water dragon deadly anger.

"Master please!" Alexis didn't care for her own safety as she continued to beg.

There was no reason left in Lei as his hand slowly closed, controlling the torrent wave into crushing Cyde.


While Alexis stood and cried out, another voice called out in a panic. All of a sudden, a ball of fire shot at Lei – throwing him slightly off balance. Released from the wave, Cyde fell but was caught by Nilo.

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