08.6 - Nox Maxwell

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                The alliance between the three tribes had transpired long before the Mare and Terra came to the Nubes territory. The face-to-face meeting was simply a handshake to seal the deal. The two princes from the Mare and Terra tribe were supposedly there as the envoy representing their race. In return, the leader welcomed the Mare and Terra representatives as guests. Furthermore, to show appreciation, the Nubes leader called for four days of celebration to honor the guests. While there was reluctance in many of the Nubes members, no one dared to speak out against the leader. Thus, the following days were filled with events and banquets where the Nubes tribe entertain their guest with traditional dance and music.

                By the end of second day of celebration, Mavi was bored. Most importantly, she was disappointed that the second male lead of the story still have not made his appearance. Even when the Nubes leader casually asked the Mare's envoy representatives where their prince was, their reply was the long travel had exhaust their prince so he was currently resting. Hearing the Mare's representative response, people quickly assumed the young man was weak. There were even suppressed snort of laughter in the crowd when the Mare representative gave the same excuse the second day. But the Mare's men and women held their stoic expression as if they're not bothered about what people obviously thought about their prince. Mavi, on the other hand, knew the excuse the Mare gave was nonsense. As one of the story's leading heroes, Mavi found it hard to believe that the man was "weak" from the long travels.

"Mavi? Something wrong?"

                As usual, Zeki sensed her restlessness. Mavi only shook her head in response. Zeki knew something was bothering his sister but didn't press further knowing Mavi's stubbornness. In silence, they both continued to watch the colorful dance performance in the center of the coliseum.

                Later that same night, the restless Mavi slipped out the house and made her way down the mountainside. A few years back, Mavi had found a hidden cave at the side of the mountain. She had been thrilled when she discovered the cave held a natural hot spring. Thus, whenever she could, she would sneak out late in the night for a hot bath. Not only does the spring water helped calm her mind, it helped ease her soul.

                Since the soul within Mavi entered the Mystic Orbis and used the power of the jade bracelets, she realized how much strain it actually put on her soul. Each time she used the power of the bracelet, an uncomfortable force surround her soul as if it wants to consume her. Lifting the remaining three bracelet on her left wrist, Mave quietly studied it. But no matter how long she looked, there was nothing for her to see. The white jade-like bracelet was simple in design with no engraving or design. Anyone looking at them would find it dull. After looking at them for so long, even Mavi found them dull. Feeling bored, Mavi set her arms on the stone edge of the hot spring pool and laid her head on the back of her folded hands. Gazing up at the open ceiling of the cave, she watched the stars in the sky. In that moment, a gush of wind carried plum blossom petals down into the cave's opening ceiling. Mavi watched as a single plum blossom landed in front of her before floating away.

                Whether its due to the soothing heat of the hot spring pool or the peacefulness of the night, Mavi suddenly remembered a poem from a distant memory.

Plum Blossoms keep flowering for no one

Even bruised, they shine like pearls

Caring nothing of the mortal world

Even forced to bloom, nothing could be done

                Eyes closed, she remembered a deep, kind voice and how he had responded to her poem.

"Who's there?" Mavi's bright eyes opened abruptly.

                When the memory faded in her mind, she suddenly sensed a familiar heated gaze nearby. Lifting her head from her hands, she sat still while scanning intensely at the cave walls around her. Yet nothing was out of place.

"Mavi!" A voice unexpectedly called from the entrance of the cave.

                Recognizing the voice, Mavi relaxed and sat back lazily against the edge of the hot spring pool.

"Mavi!" The voice gradually got closer, echoing loudly through the cave.

                Soon enough, a very stunning young woman with long silver hair tied up in a high ponytail wearing light silver armor appeared. Freda Lilyn, the story female lead stood right behind Mavi with a frown on her beautiful face while her hands were on her hips.

"Does your brother know you're out so late at night?" Freda Lilyn scolded lightly.

"Apparently he does." Even though Mavi's expression was empty, her tone was snarky. "He sent you here to retrieve me, didn't he?"

                Mavi glanced up over her shoulder in time to catch the female lead blushed. Funny how the story have changed since the soul within Mavi appeared. Freda Lilyn had supposed to fall in love with the prince of the Terra tribe. Instead, she was drawn to Zeki Gutia - the man who was originally the story's evil villain. Mavi wasn't sure if she should laugh or cry at such alteration. But then again, since it wasn't her problem, she didn't care too much what direction the story was heading.

"Zeki only has best interest for your safety, Mavi." Freda Lilyn tried to hide her embarrassment at being thoroughly read by Mavi and looked to the side. "Your poor brother is constantly stressed because of you."

"Poor brother?" Mavi closed her eyes and said with amusement. "Shouldn't it be poor me? My freedom is in question with such an overly protective brother. I can't even enjoy a night bath without him sending a Bellator after me."

"He_ He's only concern..." Freda Lilyn tried to defend Zeki Gutia.

"Such a clingy brother..." Mavi couldn't help but tease. "Makes this little sister worry if he'll ever find himself a proper mate."

                Without looking, Mavi knew Freda Lilyn was as red as a tomato.

"His priority is you..." Freda Lilyn said quietly.

                Mavi opened her eyes as she could hear the sadness hidden behind Freda Lilyn's words. With a sigh, Mavi stood and left the hot spring pool. Without a care for her nudity, Mavi retrieved her thin white dress robe nearby.

"Are you heading home?" Freda Lilyn asked while Mavi tied the belt around her dress robe.

"If I don't, are you going to run and tell my brother?" Mavi asked while folding her arms across her chest.

"You... you know I won't..." Freda Lilyn sighed tiredly, like she didn't know how to handle the smaller woman before her.

"Then there is no need for me to go home just yet." Mavi said before she turned to leave.

"But Zeki will be worried." Freda Lilyn rushed after Mavi.

"Worrying won't kill him."


                When the two women left the cave, they didn't notice the mist clearing within the hot spring pool. The spot across where Mavi had been sitting revealed a gorgeous man with wet, dark blue hair that barely touched his broad shoulders. The entire time, the man sat in the hot spring pool, leaning casually against the smooth stone wall. His dark, deep blue eyes which held heated glint was a complete contrast to the soft smile on his face.

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