02.9 - Endou Kai

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Kai Endou interest for Mia Clark continues to grow each passing day. While he tried to make conversation or give polite greeting, Mia always gave him the cold shoulder. For a man who never was rejected before , found Mia's rejection intriguing and frustrating. In the beginning, Kai Endou had thought Mia was a gold-digging, vulgar woman who only cared about herself and money. That was what Mark Walters had portrayed his ex-wife.

Being friends with Mark Walters since their university days, Kai Endou had never met Mia Clarks. Even after Mark Walters and Mia Clark were married, Kai Endou never formally met her. Every time anyone asked Mark Walters about his wife, the man would always coldly replied the woman was at home where she should be. Only the man's close friends knew the man was ashamed of his uncultured wife whom he was supposedly obligated to marry. Then Olivia Mills entered the picture. It was no secret that the young woman had a huge crush on Mark Walters. While the man never acted on it, Mia Clark did not take it kindly. After months of harassment, Mark Walters finally decided to end his marriage with his crazy wife. None of his friends were surprised with his decision. From the start, the man never had one good thing to say about his wife. Therefore, it was only natural that none of his friend has any good thoughts of the so-call crazy wife. By the time Kai Endou finally met Mia, his impression of her had been beyond poor.

But where was that tacky and gaudy Mia Clark? Where was the tasteless woman with her animal print dress and fur coat? Was that simply a disguise to her shame and pain of losing her husband? All Kai Endou face each day is a sassy, cunning, and very sexy woman. Every time he sees her, she's always dress in simple clothing. Each shirt or dress she wore are still more expensive than what the average people could afford, but unlike the loud high fashion from before, her style is natural and subtle. The only unsubtle thing about the woman was her choice in cars - which cost as much as the average person's home. But so what if the woman loves money? She still prioritizes her son Noah above all things. So what if she's greedy? Every word and action she makes is to ensure her son's future. So what if the woman only has a high school degree? Mia was more clever and sharp than most people Kai Endou knows. Kai Endou - himself, is always losing in battles of wits with her and he was supposed to be a world-class lawyer.

The more Kai Endou knows about Mia, the more confused he gets. He couldn't understand why Mark Walters would not want a woman as intriguing as Mia Clark. Any man would be giving thanks to God for giving him a woman like Mia. Kai Endou had always thought Mark Walters was an intelligent man - even if he was a cold businessman. But after knowing Mia, Kai Endou suddenly found Mark Walters foolish. Olivia Mills maybe classically beautiful and a refined princess, but Mia Clark was gorgeous with feisty personality. For Kai Endou, Mia's charm was more appealing. How could he discard Mia and then replace her? But then again, wasn't he also the lawyer who helped that same foolish man divorce his wife?

It was no wonder that Mia showed hostility toward him. Anyone in her shoes would have beaten that ex-husband's lawyer for trying to force her into signing the initial divorce settlement. Kai Endou never felt ashamed for anything he had done. As a lawyer, it was understood that there calls for time where he has to be ruthless. But remembering what he had said to Mia that day, he felt embarrassed. If he had known what type of person she would, he wouldn't have humiliated her. Even if he had agreed to be Mark Walters' divorce lawyer, if he had known Mia, he would have spoken to her with respect and regarded her more carefully. Even if she was upset, at least, she would not hate him for doing his job.

"Good morning Miss Mia"

Like always, Kai Endou would drop his nephew off. Every morning, he timed it so that he would see the beautiful woman.

"Oh hello Peter"

And like always, the woman only show a warm smile to his nephew while ignoring the fact that he was standing right there beside the boy.

"Good morning Mia" Kai Endou attempt to greet the beautiful woman.

Instead of responding, her eyes lifted from Peter up to meet his gaze. Every time, Kai Endou's heart would skip a beat without fail.

"Mr. Endou" Mia said curtly before she turned to her son. "Have a good day at school baby"

Kai Endou watched with silent envy as Mia bent to her knees to kiss her son's cheek.

"I'll see you after school" Mia gave Noah another kiss on the cheek.

"Ok mom" Noah smiled brightly before rushing off.

Mia watched as the boy entered into the building before she stood up.

"You have a good day too sweetheart" Mia gave Peter a wink before heading back into her car.

With a heavy sigh, Kai Endou could only watch as the woman drove off without giving him another glance. There was nothing Kai Endou could do but hope that time will ease Mia's resentment toward him.

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