09.11 - Cyde

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               The water dragon did not want to do anymore dealings with the sly fox, but every time he see the beautiful tree, the thought of having the plum blossom tea is uncontrollable. It didn't take long Lei bitterly sent his two disciplines off to harvest the Phe plant for the hateful nine-tail fox.

"Do not let that fox manipulate your mind." Lei spoke sternly with his hands behind his back while facing the opened window.

Alexis and Cyde stood facing their master back feeling the water dragon's bitterness against the fox. In the end, the stubborn dragon yielded just for the sake of obtaining tea.

"Alexis." Lei did not turn around, but both Alexis and Cyde could sense the dragon's bad mood. "Learn quickly..."

"Yes master."

While Alexis thought to herself to cautiously learn the nine-tails fox method of making plum blossom tea for her master, Cyde dark eyes was unreadable. When Lei turned around to look at his two young disciples, his eyes went to Alexis first.

"Do not disappoint me."

"We won't. Master, please do not worry." Alexis bowed her head as she replied softly.

Lei eyes then went to Cyde who dark eyes remain indifferent. After Cyde show of defiance, Lei felt immensely displeased. What the boy did clearly challenged Lei's position as the master. If not for the appearance of Myka, Lei would have killed Cyde – even if the boy has a rare innate talent.

"Do you know why I did not kill you?" Lei asked Cyde coldly.

Alexis nervously want to speak up for Cyde, but Lei's sharp eyes caused her to stay root in place.

"If not for your talents, what else?" Lei answered his own question while turning is cold gaze back on Cyde. "If not for your fellow disciple sister pleading, who else?"

The reason why the water dragon originally chose the twin was because he could sense their future was boundless. While a Qui could live for thousands and millions of years, they do not live forever. When the day comes where their physical existence weakens, they will turn to ash. By then, who will remember them? Qui cannot have children of their own – having disciples is a way for them to leave their legacy and be remembered. The stronger the disciples, the stronger the legacy.

"But I can always find others to replace you." Lei continued.

Then the water dragon proceeds to flick the sleeve of his robe and used his shear force of power to slam Cyde back against the wall.

"Cyde!" Alexis wanted to rush to Cyde but knew better than to anger her master more so she dropped to her knees and pleaded. "Master..."

"If you dare to overstep again, no one and nothing can save you."

Only after the water dragon walked away that Alexis rushed to Cyde. Seeing the blood on Cyde's lips, Alexis tried not to cry.

"Are you okay?"

Cyde only wipe the blood off with his sleeve and stood stubbornly on his shaking legs. Alexis understood it's his way of saying that he was fine.

"We should go..." Alexis wanted to help him walk but knew the boy was prideful so resisted to hold his arm. "Cyde?"

Her eyes followed Cyde's eyes out to the opened window to see the single plum blossom tree.


"Let's go." Cyde turned and walked off.

Puzzled, Alexis wondered what was in Cyde's mind but followed after him without asking questions. Alexis knew Cyde was quiet and introvert by nature unlike Nilo who is outgoing and expressive. Cyde wouldn't express his thoughts, while Nilo wear his heart on his sleeve. If she insisted on asking Cyde what had been bothering him lately, the boy would get irritated and annoyed. Even though she knew there was a lot on Cyde mind and wished that he opens up more to her, she was afraid that by pushing him, he'll disregard her as a friend. Despite growing up together since infancy, Cyde doesn't fully trust her. To be exact, Cyde doesn't trust anyone – not even his blood twin. Because they were "blessed" by Fate, they're separated from the mortal world – from their family since birth. Train to be strong – to be celestial beings, they were not allowed to love or receive love. If survival of the fittest is the upmost rule, how can there be love? Alexis was fortunate because regardless of the rule, Nilo and Cyde had been there to protect her. Why? The three children would never know why. Only Fate knows.

Yet Alexis was grateful for the twin's protection. She grew up with their care – so it was only natural that she cares for them as well – equally. Unfortunately, nothing in life is equal – especially regarding relationship between man and woman. There will come a day where she has to choose between Nilo and Cyde. By then, no matter what happens, someone will be hurt.

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