03.14 - Orr Roman

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*WARNING: The following content HEAVILY contains sexual content that is unsuitable for children.*

The two lovers lost themselves to the intensity of sex for hours. By the time Roman Orr was satisfied, Mina was in a daze while lying in his arm. Seeing the satisfied grin on his handsome face, Mina suddenly wanted to smack him.

"Sorry..." Roman Orr held their sweaty bodies flushed to each other while he said huskily. "It's been months... so I couldn't control myself"

Mina didn't think denying the young man's sex for three months would result with such hunger. Storing that information, Mina smirked at herself.

"Mina..." Roman Orr rubbed her smooth back and hair to sooth Mina.

Mina leaned against him, pressing her lips against his collarbone and enjoying how the young man slightly shiver.

"The rain finally stops..." Mina said in a whisper. "We should go..."

"No" Roman Orr held onto her, not wanting to let go. "We can stay here longer. I can order room service for dinner"

"The curfew..." Mina still had to maintain her good student image. "I don't want to get in trouble..."

"I know" Roman Orr kissed the top of her head. "I promise we'll get back in time. Don't worry"

Hearing his words, Mina nodded and enjoyed the warmth and silence.


The silence stretch for a long time before Roman Orr begin to speak.

"Summer break is coming up in another month... Mina, are you planning to go home?"

Mina shook her head. Mina Rain's parents are both career driven people. From the information she's given, Mina's parents had preferred for their daughter to focus on school so usually tells her to stay at the school and take extra classes during the summer. Even if she insist on going home, they'll enrolled her in tutorial classes where they live. At least if Mina stayed at the boarding school, she'll have more freedom to do what she wanted.

"Then... would you come home with me?"

Mina was surprised at his sudden question. She hadn't expect the young man to move their relationship so fast.

"I want my family to meet you" Roman Orr smiled softly at Mina's surprised expression.

"You..." Mina looked at Roman Orr for a long time.

"Contrary to what the rumors may say, my parents and older brothers are nice people"

Mina knew that Roman Orr's family were decent people despite his bad boy's reputation. Because his family spoils him, Roman Orr turned out the way he is - use to getting whatever he wanted.

"Why do you want me to meet them?" Mina asked softly. "We're not_"

"You're my girlfriend" Roman Orr stopped her with a light kiss on her lips. "Stop thinking we're not in a serious relationship"

How serious can a teenage relationship be? And Mina hadn't remember ever agreeing to be his girlfriend. The guy, once again, self proclaim their relationship.

"Mina" Roman Orr could see the doubts on Mina's face and cupped her cheek gently. "I only have a year left... afterward, I'll be in New York. My dad already arranged for me to attend his alma mater university"

Mina silently listen to the young man's speak in a gentle voice.

"You told me you wanted to attend NYU... so you'll be in the city too" Roman Orr smiled happily as he continued. "I'll wait for you. Once you're done here, we can live together in New York"

Roman Orr hugged her close to his beating heart.

"After we're done with college, I'll work hard to earn my own money." Roman Orr whispered softly against the top of Mina's head. "Mina... When I'm able to buy us a house, will you marry me?"

Mina lifted her head to look up into the young man's handsome face.

"I promise it won't take me long. Maybe a year or two, I'll be able to buy us a house and you_"

Mina stopped the young man's rambling by kissing his lips. Startled, Roman Orr blinked several times while Mina kissed him deeply. Within seconds, Roman Orr rolled on top of her and returned her deep kiss with eager.

"Is that a promise?" Roman Orr broke the hot kiss to stare into Mina's eyes. "Mina, you'll go home with me to meet my family? You'll marry me when_"

"The future is so far ahead" Mina pressed his lips gently with her fingertips. "Why do you want to make silly promises? What happens when you're unable to keep them?"

Roman Orr look deeply inside Mina's eyes as if searching for her soul.

"Roman... Don't make promises you can't keep" Mina smiles were gentle. "And I don't need promises..."

Roman Orr felt his heart ached at Mina's cruel yet sorrowful words.

"Fine" Roman Orr hugged her, burying his face into her neck. "I won't make promises"

Mina laughed softly as she stroked the back of his head while running her fingers through his thick hair.

"But you're coming home with me for the summer" Roman Orr gently nip at her neck and said huskily. "And you're going to marry me when I'm able to get us a house"

Unable to suppress her laughter, Mina smacked the back of Roman Orr's head gently. Roman Orr lifted his head to look at Mina while she laughs.

"Mina" Roman Orr kissed her cheek and said seductively. "You laugh when I'm being serious"

That made her laugh more. Smirking, Roman Orr reached for another small square foil. Seeing the young man's eyes darkened while he tore the package with his teeth, Mina wrapped her arms around his neck with her dimples smile.

"Mina" Roman Orr slide back inside Mina, whispering hoarsely against her wet swollen lips. "I've never wanted anyone like this"

Buried inside her completely, Roman Orr moved his lips to her ear while his hands gripped onto the sheets beside her head.

"I lost completely to you" He whispered before his body begin to move slowly against her.

In a steady and loving rhythm, Roman Orr rode Mina until his heart was fulfilled.

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