06.3 - Rivera Lukas

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The original Maxie Luther was a quiet person who always kept to herself. She had no friends and rarely spoke. Although everyone in campus knew who she was, no one had ever approached her because of her family background. While her name was not Jager, she was Cain Jager and Alison Lee Jager's eldest granddaughter. By all rights, the young woman was an heiress and inherited a large percentage of Jager Corp. from her decease mother. People knew but overlooked that fact because of her dull nature. Basically, Maxie Luther was never considered a real threat to anyone. So for twenty years, Maxie Luther lived peacefully even if she had to endure occasional mocking and teasing because of her birthmark.

                In a way, Maxie Luther's previous undisturbed life went into the current Maxie's favor. It was easier for her to manipulate other people's perception of Maxie Luther now because no one really ever knew her before. She can behave however she wants and no one would really question her abnormality. Maxie Luther was considered weird from the very beginning. What's to say if she became even weirder? No one would care. The soul with Maxie depended on that the abnormality to put forward her plan.

                First, ignoring the major players of the story. The main characters were all younger than Maxie Luther by five to six years. Moreover, the original Maxie Luther died before the actual game started. The Maxie now would not make the same foolish mistake as to remove the dangerous birthmark from her face. Instead, she'll find ways to prolong her life. But in order to do that, she'll need resources and money. And considering the situation, Maxie used what was available to her - the Jager Corp.

                In the next few months, Jager Corp. will select their chief executive officer, as known as, CEO. Every six years, the board members and profit shares owners meet to elect and vote on the CEO position. The votes are based on how many percent a person own. For example, Maxie Luther currently inherited 15% shares of Jager Corp. so was allowed 15 votes. Whoever gets the most votes of 100 total votes, will sit in the CEO seat for six years until the next election.The only stipulation the CEO was that he or she must be of legal age.

                Maxie Luther's true advantage among her cousin was indeed her age. By the time Jager Corp. select their new CEO for the next six years term, Maxie Luther will have turned 21 years old and was legally qualified to take the position if she garner enough votes. This is where Maxie set her next course of action - to get the CEO position and make money. But how could a 21 years old woman get a position many fought so hard to get? How could Maxie Luther with zero experience with Jager Corp. even think to take the position? The soul within Maxie was a seasoned chief - or rather, an expert manipulator so knew exactly how to get the position.

                Alison Lee Jager is the key. Although the woman had no shares to Jager Corp., she currently oversees 15% that belongs to Blaze Jager until he is of age. Plus, the old woman still has connection to some of the board members of the corporation. If Maxie is able to get Alison Lee Jager on the same side as her, she'll be able to sit in the CEO sit with 33%shares backing her.


                During the usual dinner in the large dining room, forks and knives dropped when Maxie told Alison Lee she wanted the CEO position. Silence ensued until the 15 years old Blaze Jager begins to laugh uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Alison Lee stared at the indifferent Maxie. The granddaughter who always had half her face covered by long bangs and hair, now sat straight with her head held high. Maxie had recently cut her once long wavy hair into a medium length bob to reveal the  strawberry mark.

"Quiet Blaze" Alison Lee hushed her grandson while keeping her eyes on Maxie.

"Grandma, you don't take her words seriously do you?" Blaze complained. "How can she be the CEO of Jager Corp.? Grandfather will kick her out before she could step foot inside"

                Alison Lee frowned at the reminder of her ex-husband. Blaze saw the frown and smirked at Maxie, thinking that he put reason in his grandmother's thoughts.

"Grandmother" Maxie ignored Blaze completely while continuing to look at the old woman sitting across the table from her. "How long before your grandson can legally take over Jager Corp.?"

                Startled, Alison Lee looked back up from her plate to regard Maxie from across the table.

"Six years, isn't it?" Maxie answered the question with an unreadable smile.

                Both Blaze Jager and Alison Lee studied Maxie but could not read the young woman's emotion.

"But in six years, he'll have two more contenders for the position. In eight years he'll have another. Eleven years he'll have another"

                Maxie poked at the old woman's thorn by reminding her seeds her ex-husband have spread.

"Instead of giving those fools a chance to compete, why not let me pave road for your precious grandson?"

                Again, Alison Lee looked at Maxie. Despite her cold words, there was no real malice or bitterness behind her eyes or tone. Still, Alison Lee was wise to know the young woman wanted something in return.

"What do you want?"

                The straightforward but simple question made Maxie smile - like a cunning little fox.

"What I earn in the next six years will be mine to keep. Your grandson will have to earn his own money when I step down from the position"

                Alison Lee studied Maxie for a long time.

"Grandma, you can't seriously believe her. She's not capable of_"

"How will I know you'll keep your words?" Alison Lee ignored her naive grandson as she observed Maxie's every move and expression. "If you refused to step down when your time is up"

                Maxie laughed then, staring both Alison Lee and Blaze Jager. Leaning back on the chair, Maxie didn't bother to hide her amusement.

"I'm hurt grandmother" Maxie teased the old woman with an indecipherable smile. "Blaze is your grandson, but am I not your granddaughter? Is my mother also not your child?"

                Maxie purposely jabbed at the woman's old wounds.

"If mother was here, she'll be devastated"

                Seeing the old woman's guilty expression, Maxie continued to push.

"Whether or not you trust me grandmother, I'm your best option" Maxie smiled. "If not, I don't mind selling my share to the highest bidder"

                Alison Lee's eyes widened in horror. Maxie didn't mind blackmailing the old woman knowing well Alison Lee has plenty of enemies willing to buy Maxie's share for a very good price.

"That's not yours to sell" Blaze stood with anger clearly all over his face.

                Maxie didn't even look at the boy and continued to smile at Alison Lee.

"Very well..." Alison Lee said calmly. "I will help you what I can"

"Grandma!" Blaze was stunned and turned to his grandmother.

"Maxie is right..." Alison Lee sighed softly. "Currently, we have no choice... To hold onto the company, we must put our people in the CEO position. There is no one but Maxie_"

"What about me?" Blaze shot out angrily.

"What about you?" Maxie teased the boy. "Unfortunately for you, still a little high school brat"


"Am I wrong? Blame yourself for being 6 years younger than me" Maxie continues to taunt the boy.


"You" Maxie mocked.

                Red face with anger and frustration, the boy does what he only could. He stormed off.

"Maxie..." Alison Lee had not stopped looking at Maxie. "You've changed"

"How so?" Maxie challenged the old woman with an amused smile.

                That Alison Lee did not know how to answer. The regrettable truth was she didn't know her granddaughter that much to begin with.

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