Chapter 1

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I was officially in the I'm starting to freak phase. I get dressed in black jeans and a white tshirt before hurriedly throwing on a denim jacket. I grab my essentials such as my wallet and keys not bothering with my phone for now. I exit my apartment in a flash a heavy feeling weighing me down as I walk down the street quickly. It was already starting to get dark and it was only about 6:30. I needed to find someone before I became an absolute mess. I decided that I would simply have to go to a club again. Normal people didn't want to randomly have sex with a stranger.

I was only going for a blow job tonight. That's all I needed and I'd feel okay until tomorrow. I pass by an alley way and hear a few grunts but can't be bothered to stoop until other people business. Not when mine would be exposed to the world soon if I didn't find a partner for the night.

I round the corner and see no line for the popular club. Anxiety trails down my arms and into my legs as I reach the door and see the closed sign. My breathing hitches and I groan out at the tight feeling of fear itching at my sternum. I turn around and walk the way I came. Hopefully the bar down my street would have someone willing to get off quickly in the bathroom.

It seemed like an applicable solution until I once again passed that alley way and heard muffled stop. A million thoughts went through my mind at the terror filled plea. Memories flashed through my head of me whimpering that very same word.

Fear now encompassed me as I turned into the alley. What was I doing? Playing hero? No one saved me, so why was I going to try and save someone else? I was actually terrified as I spot two large burly men standing over some small girl. She looked like a child and my heart almost stops at the familiar look of resignation on her face. Had something like this happen to her before?

Before I can think words are flying out my mouth, "hey, I called the cops, they should be here any minute!"
The two men curse loudly before scurrying away down the alley.
Thankfully going out the other end. I was over joyed that, that had worked.

I walk a little closer to see the girl now standing up and fixing her clothes. My anxiety was getting worse as I thought about not being able to find someone but tried to push it away as I looked at the fumbling girl. I would have to take her home first.

"I'll walk you home, sorry I couldn't actually call the police, I don't have my phone on me," I speak quickly with an edgy tone and I groan as I think I man scare her away but she just walks past me.

"There's no need for that, I can get home on my own," she starts scurrying away but suddenly stops and turns to me again, "I live pretty far, but it's only 30 minutes. I- I really don't want to bother but- but please?"

She wanted me to get her home. I nod at her and slowly make my way to stand beside her, "lead the way."

We walk quickly and I'm glad that she sets a fast pace. I need to find someone soon or I will completely stop breathing. My heart felt like it was going to explode and I briefly wondered if tonight was the night I die from anxiety. It usually doesn't escalate this fast but going against rapers was something that could do that.

"Um what's your name?" She asks about 15 minutes into the walk as I'm having an existential crisis.

I attempt to swallow the huge lump in my throat and let out a breath as I reply, "Aron, what about you?"

Maybe conversation would help me. I look down at her a wonder exactly how old she is. She looked to young to be roaming the streets alone at night.

"Ginna, um I'm really thankful for you helping me," she says looking down at the ground. For a moment I don't respond.

"How old are you?" At first she looks up at me with fear in her eyes. Fear of what I don't know but then she sighs.

"I'm 15, I- I was being stupid. I was going to try and sneak into the club with some friends but it was closed tonight and we decided to just go home. My brother is going to be so mad at me," she once again looks down and sighs.

She was young. My mind goes to when I was 15 but immediately shut those thoughts down before I can remember anything to triggering. I'm glad I was able to prevent her from having everlasting damage.

"Um," she gulps audibly and I look down at her once again, "that- that's my house."

We reach a decent sized house and as we get to the end of the drive way where I had prepared to say goodbye. The front door opens roughly and a tall man whose features I can't make out briskly walks out and the girls shivers slightly.

"Where the hell were you Ginna! I was gone for one fucking hour! You could have gotten hurt!" The man basically shouts before glancing at me and I finally see his face. He was incredibly handsome. With black hair that matched the girls and a slight scruffy beard. His eyes were a vibrant blue and tattoos covered his arms and neck. He also had a nose piercing and eyebrow piercing. He looked sexy as hell, and my need grows stronger, "who the hell are you?"

I vaguely make out the shape of another man standing in the door way and go to say something but Ginna beats me to it, "he- he saved me from some men."

The mans face turns white as a sheet of paper. His anger dies out of his face as he stares as what I'm assuming to be his sister. He doesn't say anything just points to the house and she thanks me once again before running to the door where the guy let's her in quickly.

I go to turn around and walk away as I begin feeling sick with need. Breathing was an actual problem and I'm actually beginning to freak out so when a large hand is placed on my shoulder I jump and turn around quickly staring at the handsome man who still looks like he's just seen a ghost.

"Come inside please, I'd like to thank you," he says gesturing to the house where the man still stood by the door. I immediately shake my head no.

"No, I can't, I have something to do," my voice comes out roughly and breathy as my chest closes and fear imbeds itself into my head. He looks at me for a minute looking me up and down.

"You a druggie?" He asks quickly and I can't help the anxious laughs that escapes my throat as I begin shuffling on my feet.

"Yea, yea I suppose I am, huh?" I look down with a groan as I actually start to shake like some deranged crackhead who needs their fix.

"I got some bud, come in please, she'll try and down play whatever happened and I'd like to hear what you saw," my mind goes blank. Bud? Like weed? I once again laugh awkwardly.

"Not that kind of druggie, I'll start to freak out if I don't find someone," I say attempting to explain the need to leave.

"Please, I'm sure it'll at least take the edge off until you leave," he looks absolutely lost as he glances at the man at the door and I groan.

"Fine, fine but we can't take long, it's already impossible to breath," I respond quickly and walk to the door with the man behind me.

As I get closer to the door I notice that this man is also incredibly attractive. He was about my height at about 6'0 and had a mixed skin tone. His eyes were a light caramel brown and his hair was just slightly darker than his skin tone and was shaved on the sides. He gives me a curious look as I shuffle In front of him anxiously. He looks behind me with raised eyebrows before nodding and opening the door wider for me to go in.

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