Question 2(Not an Update)

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(This is not an Update!!!)

I've written the next story part and I absolutely hate it. It's in Aron's POV and basically is Aron talking to himself. I have been considering writing in one of the other guys POV but I have written this whole book in Aron's. So my question is, is that something you guys would mind? I feel like it's a bit wrong and I should just rewrite my stupid chapter. I thought I'd ask since I've been stuck on the decision for awhile. Maybe just one chapter each? Like just to get in their heads and how their feeling before going back to Aron? Maybe they can be considered Extras or something.

Well I would love to hear your guys feedback on this matter. Sorry it's not an update😭. Anyway love you guys!! Thank you for your patience and understanding!!!!

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