Chapter 54

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I glance over at Dean and Cedric. Who are staring at me in wonder, amazement, and the most obvious relief. I smile softly at them before Cedric grabs his phone hurriedly dialing up a number.

The person on the other end instantly picks it up, and Cedric puts it on speaker as the doctor awkwardly leaves the room.

"Hello?" Mattie sweet voice comes through the phone. He sounds exhausted and his voice is a bit rough. Which I can only assume is from the chain smoking.

"Come to the hospital Mattie, he's up," Cedric says quietly and there's silence on the other end. Then there's the distinct sound of keys and a door slamming.

"I'll be there in 5," he chokes out barely before the phone is hung up and Cedric looks back at me. I smile I'm gratefulness.

"Okay before the police get here, I have to be quick. I trust you guys, I really do," Deans scowl intensifies and Cedric eyebrows draw closer together, "I need you to get the laptop and all the flash drives from my closet. The password to the computer is 98765432123456789, 9 down to 1 then back up to 9. Go on it a find the Desk top that says security cameras. I need them, but... well not all of them. The audio files should be with the videos. There's no denying I'm doing time. This is my second offense. I also need another file...," I trail off as I stare at them. Cedric stares at me with shocked eyes. Dean grimaces and glances away, "it's the file that contains video footage of him... abusing me as a child. Transfer them off the laptop and when you've done that hide it along with the flash drives. I know it's selfish of me to ask you to do this. I'm so sorry I've hurt you guys. Honestly if I had thought my a sense would you guys so much I would have never left. It's so hard for me to believe someone cares about me. Loves me. It feels like I don't deserve it."

The room is quiet. I can only guess they are processing everything I've told them but I desperately needed them to respond. However it was to late as the door is opened and a detective and two officers walk in. I groan and curse under my breath. Hoping I would have had more time.

"I can't go until I see Mattie, I can't," the cop raises a brow at me. The other snorts.

The detective is the one who speaks though, "unfortunately for you, you're in some deep shit. You don't really get to make demands."

I glare at this man and attempt to stand up again. This time only wobbling slightly. I grit my teeth as the pain travels through me.

Then the doctor enters the room and frowns, "I told you guys that he needs to be given some medicine first. He had almost had a full blown heart attack. His body went into intense shock and even died. He can't just get up and leave with you gentlemen. He at least needs some pain medication. You must be terribly sore."

I nod quickly in response. Anything to keep me here just a bit longer. I need to tell them. I need Mattie to get here.

"Quickly then," the detective grumbles out waving the doctor on. Unfortunately for me he rushes to do as told and comes over to me just as a nurse comes in with a small case.

She approaches me cautiously as if I were a dangerous criminal. I suppose I was in her eyes. She probably had no idea what even happened or maybe she did. She open up the case and starts preparing a needle. (A/n: I have no clue about anything medical related so I'm just writing what comes to mind!)

"The medicine we will be giving you is for pain. Like you asked it won't effect your mind in anyway. It will only last a few hours but should be effective until then, is that alright?" The doctor asks and I sigh.

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