Chapter 29

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My breathing becomes erratic as I stare at his frown and my chest starts hurting. My fear becomes my number one priority in a number of seconds. Suddenly his frown turns surprised.

"Wow are you okay?" He asks quickly. I look away from him trying to calm my breathing. I needed to get out. I stand up pushing Matt to the side. I can't breath and I feel suffocated. Remembering Cedrics frown making me go dizzy.

"Aron," my body shudders as Dean says my name. I look at him shakily and he gives me a concerned look before pointing to his lap. I take the bait instantly as my chest starts to squeeze in pain. Falling to my knees in front of him. He unbuckles his belt.

Mature Warning Ahead!!!!

As soon as I see his cock. I grab it. He's not hard but I knew exactly what I needed to do to get him to be. So I immediately begin teasing and sucking on his balls. He groans and softly grips my hair and just like I predicted he gets hard. I have done this several times before now so I know what to expect. My feelings of anxiety quickly wash away when I switch my hand and mouth. I bob my head as quickly as I can and he groans under me as he cums deep in my mouth.

I clean him up quickly and relief feels me as my chest doesn't hurt anymore. I'm still shaky but I ignore that and stand up, "I'm gonna go."

I avoid Cedrics gaze because I couldn't stand seeing that look again. I would throw up. I already felt sick. Matt jumps up and hugs me from behind.

"W-why?" He squeezes me, "is something wrong? What happened? Maybe we can do that thing? Humans?"

To most people what Matt said wouldn't make any sense but to me it did. He thinks we should have a share circle again. I finally look over at Cedric and he's looking at me in absolute worry. I let a shaky breath escape me and try to convince myself it was a misunderstanding on my part. That I needed to relax.

I nod my head and sit down again. Matt plops down with his back against the armrest and his feet stretched out on me and Dean.

"I- I'll start," Matt says with a slight stutter and all attention goes to him, "I lost my virginity to my father. He raped me when I was 8, my mother found out and had him arrested but she was a huge homophobe. She thought I needed to be cleansed. That why she started having woman come and have sex with me."

He shudders beside me and I put my hand on his thigh comfortingly. He sighs out and takes a deep breath before smiling at me. Cedric immediately jumps in next.

"I lost my older brother when he was 9. I was 6. He was the perfect son in my dads eyes and he grieved normally over him at first, until I turned 9 myself and suddenly he stopped seeing me. He would straight up ask where I was even though I would be standing right in front of him," Cedric says looking at me with a desperate look, "that's when my mom got worse. My dad didn't care and she decided to teach me all about cheating."

My breath hitches at his pain filled stare and I once again remind myself that it was probably a misunderstanding. So I grab his hand and squeeze. That seems to completely satisfy him because he breaks into a smile and relaxes.

"My biological mother tried selling us. However me father wouldn't let her, who knows what happened to her but Ginna and I ended up with that abusive asshole. He got remarried about two years later to my actual mother, the one he killed," Dean says all this with tense teeth. It also seemed like he was downplaying what happened to him. I snuggle up beside him and as if by instinct he grabs me tightly and nuzzles into my neck.

It was my turn now. What other piece of my fucked up story should I tell them. I didn't want to mention that sick bastard. The one who cut me. At least not yet. I don't think I could handle that yet.

"I had two older brothers, one of them, well we will save him for another time," I breath out deeply remembering them, "my oldest one didn't live with us. He lived with his wife and child. He- he was a drinker and he would send the people he owed money to, to me. Where my body became compensation."

I say in a normal tone of voice. They look at me with wide eyes and I shrug. It was one of the most mundane things that ever happened to me. To be honest it doesn't even bother me now. Some things overshadow the rest.

"So where all just really messed up individuals, but we're human," Cedric says trying to smile. We all nod our agreement.

"Are you staying the night Ronny?" Matt asks shuffling around beside me. I shrug my shoulders.

"I'll probably just go home," I respond but am immediately denied by Dean.

"He'll stay tonight, it late. Plus you aren't in any state to drive," he says kissing me on the forehead. I open my mouth to protest but immediately close it once I see his piercing stare. I nod slowly. I once again check my phone for the time and shocked it see it is late. 11:24.

"I'm sleepy," Matt says yawning, "let's head to bed guys."

He hops up and off the couch and Cedric follows him. Dean gives me a small smile before he also gets up. I follow wordlessly. They go up the stairs and Cedric grabs my arm. He pulls me to the door of their room where Matt and Dean already were.

Cedric let's go and runs to his closet. He digs around a bit pulling out things and then coming back to me, "do you remember where the guest bedroom is?"

I nod at him still kind of shakily. He hands me the clothes with a smile before he begins stripping. I just about run away. They were all so comfortable taking their clothes off in front of others.

I get in the other room with a sigh and begin changing myself. I look and see he gave me a pair of grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt. I just put the pants on though ignoring the shirt. They hadn't bothered me the last time I stayed so I shouldn't have to worry about them seeing my scars.

I crawl under the covers not realizing until now how exhausted I really was. It made me sad to think those guys went through so much. Yet their still willing to help me with my problems. It was so incredibly sweet. I knew I was starting to like them. I didn't know if that was a bad thing though. They deserved better than me. I sigh and close my eyes. Who knew what I would do.

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