Chapter 17

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My eyes widen slightly. The first thing I do is look at Dean and Cedric who are both staring at me with pretty blank expressions. That causes me to shake anxiously. Was I allowed to say yes? I nod my head slowly still gauging their reactions. However they don't say anything and Matt pretty much jumps out of his seat.

He runs over to me and I can feel him very slightly shaking. I look him in the eyes and smile at him. I liked the way he almost looked like he was going to cry. This boy was turning me crazy.

I grab his chin softly and bring his head down so I can place a gentle kiss on his lips. It was quick but something about Matt made it seem like he deserved and needed to be handled with care.

I let go of him and he leans back with a bright red face and a prominent pout. I once again give him a smile and he huffs as he walks back over to sit beside Dean. Who grabs him and pulls Matt into his side snuggly. Dean really did act like a big Bear.

I look over at Cedric to see him staring at them with love. I suddenly had the strong urge to tug him into my side as well but ignore it. However I do unconsciously tug on his arm and he looks at me with wide eyes. He scoots closer but doesn't do anything else.

I had no understanding on my place in all this. What I was allowed to do verses what I absolutely couldn't. So I don't move any closer. I didn't want to do anything wrong.

"Are you gonna share something personal?" Dean asks setting his head down on Matt's all while giving me that intense stare. How could he look so intimidating while doing something so sweet?

I briefly wonder what I should say. They knew a lot about me already. Some things are also not meant to be spoken out loud. So what do I tell them?

I decide to just go with it, "I spent a year in juvie, and another years and a half in prison."

My response shocks them immensely. Matt starts choking on spit as he sputters and Cedric looks at me with wide unbelieving eyes. Dean is just staring at me with his eyebrows raised. I shrug at them. It was something personal.

"Can-can I ask for what crime?" Matt says in a slightly high pitched voice. I look at him before shaking my head. I wasn't ready for them to send me away.

"Not yet," I say looking down, my chest was starting to hurt and I knew I needed to slow down. God, I was such a whore, "are we sharing more?"

"The reason, the reason you committed the crime, was it bad intentions?" Dean asks in a surprisingly soft tone. I shake my head immediately in response. No, I definitely made the world a better place.

He nods at my response and gets up to check on the grill. I look at the others to see them both lost in thought. Cedric is staring at the fire with a thoughtful expression and Matt is looking at his hands with a frown. I wonder if they dislike me now.

"Foods done," Dean states simply and that snaps all of us out of our thoughts. Matt and Cedric both stand up and walk into the house. My anxiety starts coming full force and Dean seems to notice because suddenly he's bent down in front of me, "what's wrong honey."

I gasps slightly at the sweet tone of voice and shift back slightly, "I- I'm just anxious. I'm okay."

He stares at me with a blank face before putting a hand on my thigh to steady himself. I shiver at his touch and he brings his other hand slowly to my face. I flinch slightly and he stops for a moment. I look at him to see him staring at me with that same intensity before he continues to bring his hand to me cheek.

He brushes his thumb under my eye and wipes away a tear I hadn't even known was there, "it's okay hun."

I let out a deep shaky breath and nod at his kind words. Suddenly I can't help but compare his voice to the soothing feel of honey. Rich and quiet. For a moment I wondered what he sounded like yelling but shook that thought away when he smiles at me brightly.

He was a gorgeous man. I swallow the lump in my throat, "I'm sorry."

He stands up tugging me with him and I follow. A part of me wanted to follow him forever. What was happening to me? I had just met these men.

Matt and Cedric walk outside with plates and utensils. They smile at us and I back away from Dean shyly. I wonder how they had seen us. Pushed together and staring in each other's eyes.

We all make plates hurriedly and return to our seats. This time though Cedric is seated next to Dean and I'm beside Matt. We eat quietly. With only a few words spoken. I honestly didn't have much of an appetite but I knew that was because of my anxiety. So I forced myself to eat everything on my plate.

Once everyone's done Cedric stands up and walks over to the table, "who wants s'mores?"

Matt immediately responds with a bright, "me!"

That sort of breaks the awkward tension after that. Causing us all to laugh, "all right kitten."

I pull out another cigarette lighting it quickly. Matt glances at me and nods at my decision deciding to do the same. Cedric sets up the s'mores and I check the time. I'm shocked to see it's already 8. I should probably leave soon.

"Um I actually think I'll head out," I say standing up, "thank you-."

I can't finish though because Matt grabs my arm and gives me a big puppy dog look, "don't go."

"I have to, I can't just stay here all the time princess," I respond and he blushes slightly at the comment. However his pout doesn't go away and I shake my head, "we can talk later, alright?"

He definitely didn't want to agree but Dean stops him, "Matt, your true colors are showing."

For a moment he grip tightens on my arm before he lets go with a sigh, "I'm sorry."

I had no idea what Dean meant by true colors. I look at Matt to see him grabbing one of the metal poles with a marshmallow on it and twitches slightly.

"Alright text us," Cedric says before walking over to me and surprising me with a tight hug and a quick peck. He then turns back to finish his task. I look between Matt and Dean to see them both kind of smiling. Matt also gives me a quick hug before backing up quickly and groaning. He shakes his heads

"Bye bye Ronny," Matt says sitting down.

That's leaves Dean who doesn't even warrant me before engulfing me in his strong arms and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I blush like crazy. I couldn't believe all the attention I was getting from these guys.

"Be safe driving home hon," Dean whispers before packing up and cleaning up the grill. I shuffle my feet awkwardly before turning to walk away.

"Oh wait, you need to?" Cedric says with an awkward voice. I look at him before shaking my head slowly. He narrows his eyes at me, "you can't go to anyone else."

I gasp slightly. I hadn't realized they still wanted to help me with that. I nod with a shiver, "I-are you sure you guys want that responsibility?"

"Yes," Deans the one who answers me with a final tone of voice and I shiver.

"Then- um well then can I come back over tomorrow morning?" I ask with a shaky breath. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"Of course," is all he says in answer and I look at the others to see them smiling at me. I smile back shyly and wave goodbye.

I turn around again and don't bother walking through the house. I walk around it quickly until I reach my car. I shudder at the thought of coming back in the morning and pull out the driveway. Was all this good karma from years of horribleness? I hope so, because I really liked where it was going.

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