Chapter 27

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I felt like I had been on cloud nine the entire time after the guys dropped me off and gave me hugs goodbye. For the first time in I couldn't even say how long I felt wanted. Last night I dreamed of being with them and it was amazing. It made me want them even more.

This morning Matt had called me and we chatted about the date. He seemed very nervous about what I thought and I had to reassure him that I did in fact have a great time. I don't know why they gave me so much attention.

After I woke up this morning I showered quickly and only washed my body once. Which is something I haven't done in a long time. I just didn't feel as dirty as I usually do. Then quickly got dressed in a random pair of shorts and Deans large black hoodie.

I felt extremely comforted by his scent. It made me think about the others as well. I wish I had a hoodie from the others. I skipped breakfast because I was to lazy to cook and have just been cuddling my soft bumble bee.

It felt so strange. To just be sitting around not feeling the worry of finding a person to sate my need for the day. It was nice having someone to rely on. A part of me knew that anyone of the guys would be right over if I said I needed them. That made me giddy.

The ringing of my phone cuts of my gushy thoughts and I immediately answer it setting my head ontop of the stuffed animal. It was surprisingly Dean FaceTiming me. Dean never called me and for a moment I get worried until his face pops up on the screen and I see he's smiling softly.

"Hello honey," he says his his deep calming voice. His eyes narrow as he looks at his phone before he smirks, "looking cute."

I blush and push my hair out of my face. Maybe I could go get a haircut today. That sounded nice, "hello Dean."

He starts moving and grins at me before the phone shuffled around, "what are you doing today?"

I think about it briefly before shrugging my shoulders, "might go get my haircut, not in the mood to work."

He stops moving abruptly and scowls at me through the phone, "haircut? Why?"

My eyes widen at his response, "it's- its getting long."

He sighs before moving again, "I like it."

It was those three words that made me realize I wasn't going to get my hair cut anymore. I blush and nod slowly, "oh thank you."

"How are you doing?" He asks and sets his phone down on some kind of table.

"Um not bad yet, I haven't started shaking, so I should be fine until tonight," I say looking down at the floor.

The phone is picked up and Dean stares at me for a moment before nodding, "come over tonight. We can have a mini date. Watch movies or something. Matt will absolutely love that."

I smile into the stuffed bee. I nod my head at him, "I'd like that."

He flashes that beautiful smile of his nodding as well, "don't tell Matt it'll be a surprise. I'll let Cedric know though."

I grin at him in agreement, "alright, I won't tell him."

He gives me a soft look, "I missed you."

My whole body goes warm. My breath hitches and I can feel my heart beating faster. He misses me? I try to control the smile that wants to sprout onto my face, "I- I missed you too."

He smiles at me once more, "okay hon, I gotta go, text us if you need it."

I nod my head quickly causing him to chuckle, "b-bye."

"Bye darling," he replies before hanging up the phone. I squeal like a love struck teenager and quickly set myself straight.

What the heck is wrong with me? How could I like these guys so much so quickly. I never wanted to be apart from them. I really was a love struck teenager.

I stand up with slightly shaky legs and sigh. I decide to get something to eat. Turning around and sliding my way across the hard wood floors and into the kitchen. I was still to lazy to cook so I just grab some pop tarts and sit at the bar stool. I get a text as I eat and quickly check my phone.


Princess👑: I'm finally home!!! Ceddys still at the green house though😝

Me: what exactly do you guys do there?

Princess👑: I'll tell you all about it next time we see each other, to much to talk about through a phone.

Princess👑: whatcha doing???

Me: eating right now, and you?

Princess👑: missing you😘

Princess👑: Dean left right before I got here and I'm alone, ugh!

Me: I'm sorry princess.

Princess👑: the struggle of my life. When are you coming over again? Do you need it?

I chuckle at my phone. It was so endearing how they said "it" like it was an unapproachable subject. I knew I couldn't tell him that I was coming over though so I just go with:

Me: I don't know and I'm still good.

Princess👑: ugh, boring!!!

Princess👑: I'm gonna shower, I'll text you as soon as I'm done!!!

Me: alright.

I breath out and set my phone on the counter. I reach for my cigarettes that are lying on the counter as well and pull one out immediately. Lighting it quickly and rolling out my shoulders.

I seemed to wear a permanent smile on my face now and my cheeks hurt. Hopefully a smoke will help me relax. I stand up breathing in the smoke and throw away my trash.

I wander back into my room and decide to pick out some better clothes for the night. Considering I had nothing else to do. I walk into my closet with a new purpose and look around.

I didn't want to look like I'm trying to hard. But I didn't wanna look for a bum again either. I grab a pair light three quarter length jeans and a striped black and white long sleeved shirt.

 I grab a pair light three quarter length jeans and a striped black and white long sleeved shirt

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I then switch my black socks out for calf length white ones. I don't put my shoes on yet and flop on my bed. I couldn't wait to see them again. I get excited just thinking about going to their house again. I missed them a lot more than I original thought.

I jump up at the sound of my phone ringing and grin. I knew it could only be one of the guys and I run to the kitchen where I left it. I practically fly into the counter to grab it and hit accept with out checking the caller ID.

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