Chapter 6

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"You seem like a nice guy Aron," Dean says giving my a quick smile and I actually blush. I clear my throat before shrugging my shoulders. These guys were way to attractive.

"Uh thanks," I crack my knuckles nervously.

"I have a question," Matt asks me, "but do you have suck the person or can it be the other way around?"

"No, I- actually I usually don't like being touched, unless I'm being fucked, but even then I try to limit where they touch me," I mumble embarrassingly.

"But didn't Cedric get you off?" Matt asks and once again Cedric freezes up, "it's not cheating Ced."

He nods but doesn't fully relax until he flicks he's lighter a few times. My face however turns into a tomato at the mention golf him touching me.

"I- yea I have no idea, I usually freak out, but I guess I'm a little submissive," I scratch the back of my neck glancing at Dean to see him full on smirking at me, "I'm usually the dominant one, because I have to make sure they don't touch me."

"So youre a power bottom?" Matt asks elbowing Dean with his own smirk causing Dean to chuckle.

"If I'm the bottom, yea," I agree. Cedrics once again relaxed.

"You're a vers?" He asks leaning back. I nod at him, "same bro."

I can't help but chuckle at him, "I figured."

They all give me weird looks, "how?"

"Oh well I simply stereotyped y'all," I respond looking down awkwardly.

"Hmm so you know Matt's a total bottom huh?" Cedric spits out before a pillow is slammed into his head.

I chuckle and nod at him. Matt gives a me a look of utter betrayal before pouting slightly, "I do not look like a bottom."

I nod in  agreement," you don't."

He mouth gapes open at me, "then how?"

I shuffle my feet awkwardly looking between them, "uh when I was... yea."

For a moment they just stared until Matt's face goes cherry red because of his pale complexion. He grabs another couch pillow and shoves his face in it. Cedric is laughing heartily and even Dean is laughing.

"Why are you being so shy about it Aron? You freaking went to town while you were doing it," Cedric responds and I blush. I get carried away.

"I guess it's just weird, talking about that, with his boyfriends around, I thought Matt was going to punch me," I admitted softly. Matt coughs and looks at me incredulously.

"You thought I was going to punch you? Is that why you were looking at me the entire time you were basically eating Dean?" He says in a shrill tone, "I thought you were either seducing me or goading me on."

"No I just needed to gauge your emotional status. I've never been in the kind of situation," I respond honestly with a blush.

"How'd you know what we liked," Dean asked softly grabbiat his junk through his jeans.

"I'm not a physic, you have figure out what every individual likes," I state once again awkward.

"But you never tried to touch my nipples," Cedric states tensing only a little before sighing.

"To be honest, I wasn't fully thinking when I did you, I was still in panic mode, my only thoughts were to get you off, I'm sorry," I answer him rolling out my neck.

"Are you kidding me? That's was you not thinking?" Cedric says giving me a look as if I'm an angel.

"How'd you know to touch mine?" Matt asks with a blush.

"Around the time I figured you were self conscious, it always makes a self conscious person feel better if you touch as much of them as possible, it was only luck that your nipples turned out to be so sensitive," I say in a short rant.

"I'm not self conscious," Matt responds looking down. I stare at him before glancing at his boyfriends.

"I'm self conscious, I don't let people touch me because I feel dirty, and my scars, and even though I'm a pretty good at head, I've never received it, because I hate myself," I say quickly, "so I'm sorry but I can tell when someone's self conscious."

Matt looks at me with wide eyes but doesn't try and deny it again. It quiet for a few before he decides to break the tension, "you've never gotten head?"

I nod my head. I hated everything about myself. So I definitely didn't let people that close to my junk.

"You let me touch you," Cedric says tense before forcing himself to relax.

I blush immediately, "again I'm not sure why. I am quite embarrassed you touched me, I'm dirty," I respond looking down and away.

"Why would you say that? You tasted clean," Cedric says and I nearly swallow spit and get whip lash as I look up at him. He has an embarrassed, sheepish look on his face and Dean chuckles. Matt just smiles shaking his head.

"He has a habit of liking the cum off his fingers, he probably did it without thinking," Matt answers and Cedric goes to tense up but Matt continues, "not cheating Cedric."

"Oh oh I'm sorry then," I murmur looking Cedric who is staring at me.

"Like I said," he says, "you tasted clean."

My face heats up, "oh uh, I never really feel clean."

"Ah it's like a sex thing? You can't wipe away the hands that have touched you?" Matt puts in and I freeze before slowly nodding.

"You're an interesting guy," Dean says lowly. I shrug my shoulders.

"I can't suck duck for the life of me, Dean isn't that great either, he has a bad gag reflex," Matt says shaking his head, "Cedric pretty good at it though."

I smile at them before Dean continues, "yea, maybe he can return the favor for us."

I shake my head frantically, "I'm okay, self conscious remember? There's a reason why I've never gotten one, it's okay."

"Y'all really be offering me up, huh? What's next you're gonna have me standing on the corner for money?" Cedric grumbles and and Matt starts cackling and Dean chuckles.

"It's literally a rule, if you receive oral, you need to return the favor," Matt says with another laugh.

"It's not that I won't, its that y'all don't even ask, you just give me up," Cedric says shaking his head.

"I'm okay!" I interrupt their conversation smiling, "I'm okay."

"But you said it yourself right, a self conscious person will feel better if their body is touched right," Matt says laughing and I shake my head sitting on the edge of my seat. What the hell was happening?

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