Chapter 35

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There was no room for me to argue. Cedric hands me a hoodie and walks past us going down stairs. Matt drags me after them right after Dean comes back from speaking to Ginna.

When we were finally in Deans jeep it felt like I was just put through a tornado. I was incredibly disoriented. I was rushed out of the house and into the passenger seat hurriedly. It was as if they didnt want to give me the chance to argue. Which was probably smart of them because I no doubt would have if I had time to think about it.

I glance at Dean in the drivers seat. I wonder where we were going. It felt like my whole morning was supposed to be in some kind of drama. It felt incredibly strange. I had no clue how to feel. Cedric had said we were going on a date, but was that okay?

"Stop overthinking, I can literally see the gears in your head churning," Matt huffs out from right behind me. I look out the window with a frown. I couldn't help it. I didnt know how to function around these three men. They drove me crazy in the best but scariest ways.

The drive isn't very long. Only about 10 minutes but I can't stop my wild thoughts. I'm not dumb, so deep down I know that these guys are serious. There's no way they would go through so much effort if they weren't. I just didn't think I was worth that effort. I honestly didn't think i was worth anything. I'm far to broken.

Dean pulls off the road down a beaten dirt and gravel one. Trees become thicker and houses begin to get extremely sparse as I realize their taking me to the middle of the woods. We're they serial killers after all? I look around anxiously as we pull up to a boarded up abandoned house.

"Calm down Ronny, we're not gonna kill you," Mattie says beside me with a cute giggle. I look down with a frown. My door is opened abruptly and Dean holds his hand out for me.

I grab it apprehensive and hop out of the jacked up jeep. He keeps a firm grip on my hand even when he shuts the door and we begin walking towards the building. My chest begins hurting and I take a harsh intake of breath. Cedric unlocks the door and im pulled inside.

I'm immediately surprised. The outside of the house looks completely rundown. With boarded up windows and foliage covering it. However the inside looks incredible. First of all its one huge room. As if all the walls were ripped out. Only having supporting pillars spread out throughout the room. It looks like a cool recreational room. There's a pool table and a gaming area. I didn't even know electricity ran out this far into the woods.

"Uh what is this place?" I ask skeptically as Dean pulls me farther into the large space. Cedric throws his keys on a side table and glances at me.

"Its the greenhouse," he says with a shrug before hes eyes light up and he grins, "wanna see my babies?"

I dont really have time to respond before he yanks me aways from Dean and up a flight up stairs that are right next to the front door. I follow trying not to trip on the stairs. He opens the lone door at the top of the steps and my mouth drops open as I see the dozen rows of huge weed plants. This was a huge operation. He grins at me with a proud expression. Unintentionally a smile pops onto my face as I can't help but think he is absolutely adorable.

"I love fire, when I was really young, like when my brother was still alive we would sneak matches into the woods and just light random plants on fire. We were just children but I think I've come a long way," he says in a softer tone of voice. For a moment my eyebrows shoot up in surprise. They had never voluntarily offered up information about themselves outside the share circle and I felt almost obligated to share something as well.

"I used to raise a plant. It was just a random flower seed that I had found, it brought me a sense of piece. Until- um well until it died," my mind quickly steers away from that subject as my anxiety spikes. He looks at me in curiosity before a soft smile takes over his face.

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