Chapter 31

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They hugged me for what felt like hours as I cried. My emotions that had been bottled up for so long apparently came to bite me in the ass and the bottle tipped. They never complained. Matt just squeezed me from behind occasionally kissing my back tenderly. Cedric was much the same in front of me. Letting my cry into his shoulder. Dean was continuously kissing the top of my head and muttering soothing words.

I let out a final shaky breath and try to collect myself a bit. I needed to get myself together. I couldn't keep these guys awake all night trying to sooth me because of a bad dream. I knew it wasn't just a bad dream though and I steer my thoughts away from the nightmare. I didn't need to shed anymore tears for that horrid man. At least not with these three wonderful men waiting up for me.

"I- I am- I'm sorry," my throat is scratchy and I can't stop stuttering but I attempt to speak. Cedric kisses me on the forehead.

"Don't, I'll be right back," Cedric jumps up quickly and runs out of the room. Matt releases me and Dean pulls me up and into his arms.

"You're okay," he whispers softly in my ear and I want to break down crying again. I refrain from doing so and sniffle unattractively. I was such a mess.

The door opens again and Cedric walks in with a pre-rolled blunt. A small smile crosses my lips at his logic. Weed seemed to really help them but I can't remember if it did much for me. It didn't matter though because them being here was enough to make me feel so much better.

Cedric lights the blunt and surprisingly doesn't even look at the flame. He just keeps glancing at me worriedly and my heart skips a beat. I stare at him fondly. It was so easy for them to turn me into a gushy mess. He hands it to me as soon as it's lit and a small smile grazes my lips.

I take it slowly and take a big hit. Hopefully this can make me forget that stupid dream. At least enough to get some more sleep. Exhaustion pulls at my eyelids but every time I close my eyes flashes of a knife startle me. Phantom pains in my stomach causes me to clench up.

"Are you okay?" Cedric asks as I hand him back the blunt. He takes a quick hit and passes it to Matt who's sitting beside me cross legged with wide concerned eyes.

I shiver as I nod. I would be okay. I always had to put myself together after freak outs like this but I would be okay. I had to be. I couldn't let myself be dragged down anymore than I already was by the nightmare that was that man. Disgust fills me as I think about him.

Strong arms pulls me back and I'm suddenly leaning against a firm chest. Dean rests his chin on my head and takes the blunt from Matt, "are you sure?"

I shudder again, "yes."

My voice is a soft murmur but in the quiet of the night it is heard loud and clear. Cedric reaches out and swipes a thumb under my cheek. Wiping away tears that I had forgotten were there. I breath out deeply and let myself relax against Deans warmth. I was okay.

Dean hands me the blunt and I hit it again. A hazy feeling seeps into me and I wonder if weed always worked so fast. Or if it was because I never smoked. Whatever the reason was, I enjoyed it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Cedric asks in a soft tone and I freeze. Dean squeezes my waist and kisses my neck.

"Shh," he mumbles against my skin and I let out another breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"I just- I had a nightmare," I respond looking down, "I'm sorry for bothering you guys."

Matt grabs my hand and grips tightly, "don't apologize, can we stay?"

I didn't understand him so I tilt my head to the side in question, "what?"

Dean answers in Matt's stead, "can we sleep with you tonight?"

My heart practically stops and I nod slowly. They wanted to stay with me tonight? Was this because of the nightmare? Matt stands up followed by Cedric who reaches a hand down for me to grab.

He pulls me up smoothly before helping Dean up as well. Then as if it was all extremely obvious and normal. Cedric crawls into the middle of the bed. Dean gets in behind him and Matt pushes me on the bed. Where I lay beside Cedric. Matt then curls up beside me.

My back presses against Cedrics front and he wraps a strong hand around my waist comfortingly. He pulls me closer and I can feel his warm breath tickle the back of my neck. Matt was facing me and curled snugly against me. I tentatively put my hand on his side and he snuggles closer. It felt oddly right. Like a puzzle I didn't know existed and now the pieces were fitted together.

I hold onto Matt tighter as I let my mind drift. These guys were so perfect. I couldn't believe I had done that to Cedric. Had I really put him in a position where he couldn't refuse? I grip Matt even tighter.

"Cedric?" I whisper softly and he shifts against my back.

"Yea?" He whispers right into my ear.

"I'm sorry that I forced you," I say with a fearful tone. I didn't want him to hate me. I didn't want anyone of them to hate me.

He shifts again against my back, "forced? I'm always here to help Aron. If you're thinking something sick like you raped me you'd be wrong, I wouldn't have let you do it if I wasn't okay with it. Dean and Matt wouldn't have let you do it if I wasn't absolutely okay with," he grumbles into my ear in a demanding voice. I knew what he was saying but it still didn't change the fact that I hadn't received or asked permission first.

I don't say anything else though and he kisses the back of my neck tenderly with an affection mostly unknown to me. Tears threaten to well up in my eyes and I clench them shut in response. Sleep. I just needed to go to sleep.

Everything was alright now. He wasn't here and I would be okay. The guys distinct scents surround me and a warm calm enters me. I really liked these three men. I was way past the point of no return and I couldn't help but think about them tossing me away. That would absolutely crush me.

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