Chapter 20

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Dean ended up stopping at a gas station on the way to his house. We get out and he opens the door for me smoothly. I thank him shyly and I then follow him as he picks out random snacks. Once he's done he heads to the front where a younger lady stands almost desperately waiting for him.

"Hi!" Her voice is screechy and she pulls down her top to show more of her underwhelming cleavage. Dean however just clucks his tongue and puts his items on the counter. She however completely ignores them and bats her eyes, "I've never seen you in here."

Dean clenches his hand and almost growls, "ring me up."

She just smirks and leans over the counter flaunting her boobs, "how about I give you my number."

Dean looks at the girl angrily and goes to speak but I grab his hand quickly. He looks down at it with the same angry expression before looking at my nervous stare. He takes a deep breath and I decide to speak, "ring the stuff up, and give me a pack of new port 100."

She gives me a dirty look before nastily grabbing the cigarettes off the shelf behind her. She slowly rings everything up but continues to give Dean flirty looks. He just grips my hand and glares at her.

I decide to do something and snap, "can you stop flirting with my boyfriend?"

Dean looks over at me but I don't meet his gaze instead just glaring at the cashier who is gapping at me like a fish.

She quickly scans the rest of the stuff, thankfully not saying anything else and I pull out my wallet. However Dean is already handing the money towards the girl and grabbing the bags.

"I could have paid-," Dean cuts me off with a wave.

"Most of it is mine anyway," he says opening my car door. I get in quickly and he stomps around the car. He opens the door back door roughly and sets the bags on the seat before rummaging through them. He then closes the door and gets into the drivers seat, "here."

I could definitely see him having anger issues now. However even though he has a big scowl on his face, he's still treating me gently.

"Uh thank you," I say putting on my seat belt. He then drives off and towards his house.

He grips the wheel tightly before flexing his fingers and groaning, "so I'm your boyfriend now?"

I blush bright and shake my head immediately, "no I'm sorry I said that, but I just wanted to help, and-."

"Why not?" He asks cutting me off and I look at him with confusion, "you don't want to date us?"

My eyes widen and I think of all the implications that could mean. Does he want me to join their relationship? No he's probably just messing with me. I wish he wasn't.

I chuckle awkwardly and shrug, "you guys are all great catches."

He only stares at me for a second before he's looking at the road with a thoughtful expression, "what would you do if we asked you out?"

I choke slightly on spit and bounce my leg nervously, "um I- I don't know."

He doesn't say anything else for the rest of the ride. It was incredibly tense and I get out the jeep quickly when he parks. He grabs his bags and my hoodies that he took and goes to the door. I follow nervously and he holds it open for me.

I go in and he shuts the door behind me. Loud footsteps are heard from upstairs and Ginna comes running down the stairs.

"Dean!" She yells and when she spots me. She gives me a quick hug before yelling again, "Dean! You have to let me get my phone back! I'm dying here!"

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