Chapter 37

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"Where are we going?" I ask skeptically when I see Dean miss the exit to either of our places. I see him smile back at me in the rearview mirror but he doesn't say anything in answer.

"You didn't think that would be the end did you?" Matt asks in a questioning tone. He smiles brightly at me, "that wasnt even a proper date. Plus you didn't eat."

"Why wasn't it?" I ask with furrowed brows. He tilts his head at me in confusion.

"Why wasn't it a proper date?" He asks and I nod in answer. He huffs and shakes his head indignantly, "silly Ronny, you deserve more the a random picnic at the greenhouse."

My breath hitches and a blush actually rises to my cheeks at Matts words. He looks at me before a bright look crosses his face.

"You're blushing! I made you blush? Are you falling madly in love with me? I'm a charmer aren't I?" He giggles adorably and I smile softly at him.

"You sure are princess," I speak softly and gently. His face immediately turns into a tomato color and he groans covering his face hurriedly.

I laugh softly and can hear Cedric chuckling in the front as well. However he spares Matt any more embarrassment by not saying anything.

"So where are we going then?" I ask with a tilt to my head. Matt just shrugs though.

"This ones a surprise from Dean. That means none of us will know until wr get there cause he's a hardass who knows I hate surprises," Cedric grumbles out slightly. Now I understand why he's been so quiet. He pouting. I can see Dean roll his eyes in the rearview mirror and chuckle.

It still hasn't clicked that these three guys are my lovers. That I'm romantically involved with them. On a level deeper than just sex. I smile down at my lap as happiness overcomes me.

Dean pulls off and I look around to see where we were. All I can do is choke out a laugh as I see its a trampoline park. These men were children at heart and it was absolutely one of the most endearing things about them.


I heave a huge breath of relief when I enter my quiet apartment. It isnt like I disliked being around the guys or found them tiresome. In fact is was the exact opposite and feeling that happy after years of anguish is surprisingly exhausting.

They had dropped me off right after our date. Although very reluctantly because they thought I needed time to process things. Which is probably true. My heads an absolute mess with insecurity and doubt. I dont think it will ever be free of those thoughts.

The date went amazing. Matt had been absolutely ecstatic when he saw the location. He had practically dragged me out of the car and to the entrance with Cedric trailing behind grumbling about how Dean could have just told him. Dean on the other hand just trailed behind with the softest of smiles on his face. Of course I wasn't even given a chance to pay. Even for my share. I'm pretty sure Dean has trained to pull his wallet out as fast as possible.

I shake my head and laugh at the thought. They were all well off obviously with a job where they practically had no real obligations. Except for Cedric's plants but he loves them so that didn't really count either. I still felt bad that I haven't paid for anything though. It isn't like I couldn't afford it. I had more money than I knew what to do with. Nevertheless the day went wonderfully. With only one accident where Cedric cussed out a staff member for not allowing him to dangerous stunts. Which I for one was glad they put a stop too.

I sigh out tiredly and let out a small yawn. I was actually pretty tired. I hadn't done that much physical activity in awhile. Its actually surprisingly active based. Even just jumping on the trampolines.

I throw my keys and phone down on my kitchen counter while pulling out a cigarette. I light it up not being able to help the image of Cedric being entranced flashing through my head. I smile softly as I inhale the smoke. I was so whipped for them it was ridiculous. Especially since it hasn't even been that long since we met.

I rub my eyes tiredly and walk over to my couch ready to just relax for the night but stop abruptly when a knock sounds on the door. Like normal fear shoots through me until I just shake my head. Its probably just the guys. I turn back around and to the door. I put my cigarette out on the way.

I open the door in a rush but my eyebrows just shoot down in confusion when I see no one on the other side. I look down the halls to see them empty. I shut the door hurriedly my heart pounding in my chest like a slowly encroaching drum. I lock the door and turn back around just to kick something.

I look down and see a envelope. By now my breathing becomes more ragged. I bend down and see it has nothing written on the outside. I can see my hand shaking with the letter and take a deep breath to try calming down. I walk over to my couch once again and sit with my elbows on my knees. I stare at the letter with a million different words running through my head.

I open it with a frown. I throw the envelope on the coffee table and open the letter slowly. What I read caused several things to happen at once. First I stopped breathing. Second I stopped shaking and completely froze in place. Thirdly my heart stopped.

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