Chapter 24

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Last night was a world wind. The guys came in for a bit when they gave me a ride and Matt pretty much raided my closet. He took a random pair of my tighter grey sweat pants, a mint green T-shirt that I had forgotten I even owned and a denim jacket that I couldn't even fit anymore. I didn't mind, most of the clothes he had taken I couldn't fit anymore anyway. Plus he looked so cute when he shyly asked me if he could have them.

Dean had to make him calm down though. When they left it was closer to midnight and I didn't even have the energy for a shower. Which was a first because I always felt the need to scrub my body after a long day.

It was actually the first thing I did in the morning. I showered and then got dressed in black basketball shorts and a black T-shirt. I then did laundry. Because it really needed to be done. It was now 10:15 when I received my first text message.

Honey Bee🐝: good morning hon, feeling okay?

My heart warmed at the words. It was nice to have someone care about me. I could feel the usual giddiness that I usually feel when I talk to them arise as I type out my response.

Me: good morning, and surprisingly yes, I'm not even feeling a little anxious right now, but that will change by the end of the day.

Dean responds almost immediately and I can't help but smile as I make my way into the kitchen to make something to eat.

Honey Bee🐝: text me when it starts getting bad. I gotta go make a couple runs, they others should get up soon, be safe.

I almost want to squeal like a love struck teenage girl but thankfully stop myself and nod trying to calm down.

Me: alright, and I should be the one saying be safe.

Honey Bee🐝: you're cute, but I will

I don't answer as I know that his message was final and sigh. I make a simple breakfast with just toast. I eat it quickly and head to my laptops.

I bring them out to the living room and set them up on the coffee table. Hopefully I had some work to help pass the time. I can't believe how much I rely on the guys company now.

When I open them I realize I don't have any illegal jobs but I do have a proposition from some big tech corporations. Apparently money is going missing and they need me to track down where it's going. It was a bigger job so I accept and now have to wait for a response.

I lock down my other laptop storing it back in my closet. It had valuable information on it. So it was better to be safe then sorry. I keep the other one open though just incase the company emails be back.

I then compulsively clean the whole house. Scrubbing every inch of the place in absolute boredom. When my phone finally dings at around 12 I practically attack it.

Princess👑: hi babes!!!

I sigh when I realize the message wasn't for me and just leave the message and begin to play a random game on my phone. When I get another message I check it hurriedly.

Princess👑: did you just leave me on read?!?!?!

Princess👑: Do you hate me Ronny? Is that it?

My eyes widen dramatically. I didn't even think he had been talking about me because he had said babe. I quickly begin typing just as I see the three dots appear.

Me: I thought you were talking to the others.

Princess👑: Ceddys in the shower and refused my proposal to join him. Said he needed to hurry. Rude right? Deans working, so of course I'm talking to you silly!

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