Chapter 5

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Mature Warning!!!

"I- um thank you," I say with a scratchy voice and they stare at me in what almost looks like amazement, "I- I can go now right?"

Ced laughs. He laughs loudly. I feel incredibly awkward as he stands up and grabs the hem of my shirt tugging up and off my head.

"Wa-wait!" But it already in his hands and he's walking away. I cover my stomach quickly. Covering the nasty scars. I don't dare turn around. Not wanting them to see the ugly word that's sketched into my back.

"You just sucked the life out of me," Matt says leaning back into Deans lap.

"Oh uh thank you, I should be able to go until later in the afternoon," I respond. The shakiness in my voice caused my cumming gone and replaced with my normal voice.

"Why exactly do you freak out if you can't suck dick?" Matt asks breathing heavily with a blush once his pants are pulled up.

I look down with a sad look before rolling my eyes and gritting my teeth, "because I'm a whore."

Matt looks at me with surprise and Dean narrows his eyes at me before opening his mouth to say something however Ced comes back with a black T-shirt in his hand replacing my white one.

"Here I couldn't find another white one, it's mine so you should be able to fit it," I grab it thankful to have something to cover my body. It was comfortable and fit perfectly. We had similar body types. I was just a little lankier.

"Thank you," I respond and sigh, "well I should get going now. I really appreciate everything."

"You're leaving?" Matt asks with a confused expression and suddenly I didn't know the answer to that question. Thankfully I'm saved from answering when Ginna walks in quietly.

"Oh you're still here! It's so late," she says with furrowed brows, "we're they interrogating you?"

I cough awkwardly and can only shrug in response. I wasn't going to tell her what actually happened, "uh I was just leaving."

"But it's so late! Maybe you should stay the night? That way you don't have to walk all the way back to your house," she says looking at Dean with big puppy dog eyes but he hardly even looks at her when he nods at me.

"Oh I'm-," I go to say but Ceds already cutting me off.

"Yea, we've become friends somewhat, it's to late to be running these streets alone," I don't know when he started but he licks the blunt wrap to close it.

I pat my pockets feeling my wallet and keys but groan when I don't feel the familiar pack of cigarettes.

"You lose something?" Matt asks standing up out of Deans lap shakily but covers it up by stretching.

"I- I didn't bring my cigarettes,"I say looking down, "and I'm freaking out at this weird situation."

Matt looks at me with somewhat of an understanding look before walking out of the room to who knows where. I groan as I once again see Ced become enamored but the fire.

"Ced," Dean says firmly and once again he snaps out of it and lights the blunt hitting it a few times. Then Matt comes in the room with wide eyes.

"I don't have anymore smokes!"he says slumping on the love seat next to Dean. I don't know when but Ginna is gone and I'm now standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Um I don't actually have to stay, I'm not a hero or anything, to be honest, I just know what it's like to say stop and have men laugh at you, so I said something," I respond feeling anxious bringing up something so personal.

"Here," I look down to see Ced trying to hand me the blunt. I grab it not nearly as shakily or weirdly as I did the last two times and turn to hand it to Dean or Matt but they shake their heads, "you hit it first dude."

I sigh and realize I could relax a little more. So I take a large hit coughing slightly before once again trying to hand it over. This time Dean takes it and I sit in my original seat on the other side of the couch. Laying my jacket on my lap.

"So, we should talk about that," Matt says smiling as Dean hands him the blunt.

"Yea," Ced agrees before he looks at me, "what's your name again?"
I look at him nodding, "Aron."

"I'm Cedric, that's Matthew, and Dean," Cedric responds and I nod. Ced was a nickname for Cedric.

"So... oh shit!" Matthew exclaims putting his hand over his mouth and staring at me wide eyed, "how old are you?"

Dean stiffens up and Cedric coughs as he looks at me, "oh I'm legal, 22."

They all visible relax nodding at me. It was nice to see they got so worked up over that. Most people would avoid that and not even care.

"So does sex substitute dick sucking?" Cedric finally spurts out taking a hit and I shake my head.

"No I need to suck a dick a least once a day, but sex makes it so I can last a little longer before needing it again," I answer clutching at my jacket until he hands me the blunt. I look at it shaking my head before hitting it again and standing up to hand it to Dean.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Matt asks with a hard smile. My eyebrows narrow and I again shake my head.

"No," I say and look down guiltily.

"Why not, wouldn't that be the easiest solution," Ced says putting his feet up on the table and leaning back relaxed.

"It was supposed to but they never understood, they thought it would be okay if we did nothing for a day, sometimes even getting angry when I begged them, so I cheated, and I'm to honest not to tell them that," I respond quickly avoiding eye contact.

"That's fucked up," Cedric says and I don't look at him as I nod.

"I know, and it's not like wanted to cheat, so that's why I just sleep around, I don't need to hurt anybody this way, no one wants a sex fiend," I shrug my shoulders as if that didn't hurt but it did.

"No I meant it's fucked they blew you off like that," Cedric says and I look over to see him putting out the blunt.

"I understand it though," I mention. Because it's true. Who wanted to be with someone who always needed sex and would cheat if they didn't get it.

"Yea but it's a need right? You didn't want to cheat, you needed to, I mean I'm not condoning cheating, but yea," Matt says and I can't help but laugh.

"You all just cheated," I noted breaking the ice to their much needed conversation. Cedric freezes and Matt rolls his eyes. Dean just stares everyone.

"That wasn't cheating," Matt announces, "do you hear me Ced?"

Cedric looks at him and nods slowly flicking his lighter on and off, "yea I hear ya babe."

Matt smiles at him and nods, "good, now that's settled."

I had no idea how to handle this whole situation. It was all new and strange to me. That tied with how incredibly attractive they all were I think I'm going to die soon. I shake slightly with nerves as I glance at the guys.

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