Chapter 43

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Nothing could have prepared me for who began speaking. They were the last person I ever thought would call me. The one person in the world I'm 100% positive that they despise me, "mother?'

"Duh who'd you think would be calling you? We both know exactly how many friends you have,' I could never forget the annoying screechy like voice of the woman who birthed me. No one could bring a chill down my spine in quite the same way as her.

I stand stock still staring into the living room. I could register the guys looks of worry and suspicion but couldn't acknowledge it, "and to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh don't be snooty, its not attractive. Now I need your help,' I literally burst into laughter. Full blown belly holding laughter. She scoffs loudly and practically screams as i put it on speaker. The only person in my household that i was never actually scared of was my mother. She is one of the most weak willed woman I've ever known. I know that's harsh but its true. A woman who gives up her dignity and soul to a man who rapes children just so you can stay high is not worthy of being a mother, "you bitch! I knew I should have aborted you! But Freddy just wanted a little girl of his own."

I avoid everyone's look of horror and disbelief and just smile up at the ceiling, "you just had to please him huh? You knew what he'd do to his precious little girl. You knew exactly why he wanted a girl. Yet you don't care about that. We were just fruits of your desire to please him. For a another needle. For another hit. Pathetic."

"How dare you speak to your own mother like that?!" She screeches and i can already tell that she was definitely high, "Why wont you just help me out? You fucking owe me you piece of shit."

"I owe you?" I almost whisper it before all my anger from all those years slaps me across the face, "you mean for killing daddy dearest? Or do you mean for trying to kill you? I don't regret a fucking thing, and only made one mistake! Not being bale to finish the job! I wasn't gonna let you give him another little girl to raise just so he can satisfy his own sick desires. I wasn't gonna let him take another little sister from me. I would go to jail forever and still not change what I did."

"You're so stupid! I don't want to speak to you anymore than you want to speak to me," she interrupts quickly but i retaliate just as quickly when i hear her begin to speak again, "I need-."

"Good then lets not and say we never did," I cut her off as quickly as possible and immediately hang up the phone. My hands shake in anger as I block her number and inhale harshly. Its been a long time since my physical reaction to something was to fight instead of flight.

"He's angry," I hear a whisper from behind me and my head snaps to look at Ginna. Her eyes go wide and she frowns softly. She then looks behind me at the guys. I breath in deeply and shake of my hands out.

"I'm fine, just really- I'm just really tired of being the victim," I grumble out as I finally look up to face my lovers. However they're a lot closer than I expected with worried and consoling faces.

"Is that why you killed your dad?" I hear Matt say in a soft soothing voice but I still freeze.

"My father was the worst kind of person. He was a control freak in every since of the word. The only person he didn't have full control of was his brother. who like my father did whatever the hell he wanted. He raped my little sister to death and I couldn't stop it because I was to busy going through hell for my brother. I didn't know my father was like that back then. I failed as a brother and as a person. I killed my father because he didn't deserve to live. My uncle got so angry at me, but by then I was to old for him. He wasn't interested in me anymore. Which I'm pretty sure is why it got harder and harder to please him. I thought I handled him permanently when I threatened him with the evidence. Obviously he's changed his outlook on how he wants to live. Because this will end in one of us going to prison," I rant without breathing in a disgruntled exhausted tone of voice.

"Hey Aron?" I glance to my side to see Ginna smiling at me with an adorable gleam in her eye, "I'm not ready to lose my new brother. I'll never be ready to lose any of you guys."

My anger almost completely vanquishes as a sadness consumes me, "I'm not a very good brother."

"You actually don't get to decide that yourself. It's illegal,' she says in a snarky tone. I snort and shake my head, "I'm gonna get a snack! Hurry and pick a movie."

She then skips out of the living room with a wink and a thumbs up, "she hates to see people upset. She use to do anything she could to make me smile when I first came back here."

I look back to see Matt smiling at me with worried eye. Dean walks closer and pulls me in to one of his amazing bear hugs and I slump almost dramatically, "I got you darling."

"I- uh I'll give you a massage?" Cedric says in almost a questioning voice but it sounds more like a skeptical statement. I smile at him as I pull back slightly from Dean. Cedric was so hardboiled. Showing affection must be pretty hard for him. He seems to just be so rough and blunt that it seems like he's kind of a jerk but he just doesn't know how to be dishonest.

"Maybe a hug?" His eyes grow big and he begins squirming forward at me. Dean releases me and Cedric's arms replace him. I squeeze him a bit awkwardly before starting to back away when Matt jumps onto the both of us with a squeal.

"I want hugs!" He says excitedly. I grin at him and attempts to hug him even though his arms are trapping ours around each other.

"I appreciate it. I appreciate everything you guys have done more than anything," I whisper but its definitely heard. They were to good for me. I knew that. It's time to stop being so selfish.


A/n: I'm doing good! You guys really inspire me to write! I don't think I would have ever kept writing this book if it wasn't for ya'll. So thank you all for the continued support. You'll never understand how much I appreciate it, and I 100% mean that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!!!!

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