Chapter 45

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My heart stops as the door almost flies off the hinges. Fear about consumes me completely and a shooting pain goes through my chest and spread out across my whole body. I fall to my knees looking up just to see Dean storming in with the angriest face I've ever seen on a person. Even my uncle couldn't compare.

Don't get me wrong I'm not scared of Dean but the fear of my uncle coming for me paired with the veracious anger on his face is terrifying. Causing my heart to pound so hard that it physically hurts and I actually can't stop fearful tears from running down my face.

Dean look down at me and almost like a flip was switched his face completely relaxes and literally yanks me up and into his arms. The worry on his face and in the strength of his hood is evident and I feel like an absolute fool.

Matt pushes by Dean anxiously. With so much stress on his face that evaporates when he lays eyes on me. He grabs at his chest and seems to almost fall over. Cedric is the last to come in but unlike the other two his angry face doesn't go away. He surveys the room before his eyes land right back on me and he shakes his head with a scoff and turns back out of the room leaving abruptly.

Dean releases me pushes me back to look deep into my eyes, "did you leave us?"

I can't bring myself to even look up at him when I hear that. My eyes avert to the ground and he releases me.

"Aron, I thought that man had taken you, it had taken all my will power not to destroy everything in my path when we started looking for you. If you wanted out, that's all you had to say," whenever Dean speaks so much it's shocking but it usually means he's upset. Hearing his words break my heart because I didn't want to hurt any of them. That was exactly why I left because I didn't want them getting caught up in the crossfire.

I hear him step away and then he's gone. I look up just to see him leaving the room quickly. I glance at Matt expecting him to do the same but he seems to be battling himself. Looking between the door and me almost frantically.

"You should go to Matt, I'm no good for you guys," I mutter but that just captures attention and he looks at me with furrowed brows and a tilted expression.

"But your mine, we're together, I really like you Aron, are you saying you don't like us anymore?" He voice sounds said and he shuffles his feet anxiously.

"I can't bring you guys into this right now," I try not to answer specifically to any one question, however he seems to like my answer.

"I've told you I'm crazy Ronny, I feel like killing myself when the things or people I care about abandon me. The doctors at the psych ward said I had a compulsive disorder mixed with a need to control. You can't leave me, I physically can't let you go, I'm gonna go calm them down. Get your shit together in the next hour or two and I'll be back. No way I'm letting some fucked up uncle get his hands on you," he says all that with a big smile and a seemingly happy expression and I now realize what he meant when he said he's crazy. I go to speak but he doesn't say anything and just looks behind me at Kyle, "the only reason I'm not physically attacking you for being close to my man is because I can tell your related but if your one of the bad ones. I won't hesitate to rip you apart."

The second part he says with so much intent to kill that my words are frozen in my mouth. Then like nothing happened he smiles brightly, kisses me on the cheek, and follows after Cedric and Dean.

"You should go with them Aron," I look back at Kyle with a broken expression.

"I can't, they were happy before me and now they have to give up a lot to be with me. Cedric has to always live with the thought that I might cheat. Dean will grow tired of being my protector and even though it might seem like I'm apart of Matt's obsessive nature, it's just because he can't help himself. I'm nothing but trouble for them," I grumble out and hurriedly shut the front door. I lock it anxiously and turn back to Kyle.

Who's staring at me as if I just said the dumbest thing on the planet, "first of all, anyone in their right mind can tell those three men care deeply for you. They literally busted in because they thought you had been taken. They only walked out because they were hurt you left them. That's the only thing you did wrong in their eyes. They seem more than happy to go through the trouble of being with you. But you left them and that would hurt anybody. You should go back and apologize."

I frown looking down at the ground before shaking my head with a groan. This whole conversation was meaningless. I've already had it with myself a thousand times. I just walk around Kyle and go farther into my apartment to my bedroom. I begin shoving things in my bag as quickly as I can not wanting to wait around until my uncle decides to kick the door down as well.

"You're broken Aron, and that makes me so fucking sad because I'm apart of the reason why you are," I hear Kyle at my bedroom door and shake my head, "you know what get over yourself! You say you don't want to hurt them? Then why the hell are you leaving them? Did you see their faces when they left? Or did you look away to avoid the pain you inflicted on them? You need to stop saying that all this is for them and just come out with the truth. You're fucking scared. You're terrified of being apart of another family."

My movements stop abruptly. I don't look up and him and I don't speak. I currently had no response to that.

"You're so scared of the past that's it's affecting your future, and that's understandable. But it's cowardly that you aren't at least trying. Everyone has fears. Even your lovers. Have you ever asked them what theirs might be? Because right now all I see is someone who only thinking about themselves. This isn't for them. You running away is only for you," Kyle says heatedly. Almost as if he was angry at me. I  glance up right as he storms out of the room. I hear the front door slam open and close and I'm alone in my cold apartment. I'm so weak.

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